International Center for Leadership in Education PROFESSIONAL LEARNING COMMUNITIES Communities of Continuous Inquiry and Improvement
Fullan and Steigelbauer "Educational change depends on what teachers do and think - it's as simple and as complex as that."
BREAKING RANKS II Strategies to Improve Student Performance Continuous Professional Development
Activity What is a professional learning community?
PROFESSIONAL LEARNING COMMUNITY A “professional learning community” engages the entire group of professionals in coming together for learning within a supportive, self-created community.
Activity What is the climate of daily professional learning? Survey Checklist-p. 12
Activity Review Suggestions How many are your school involved in? p. 13
Common Mistakes Too much complacency Not a powerful and passionate leadership team Underestimate the power of the team Failure to celebrate and recognize short-term gains Neglecting the culture
Teacher Benefits Less Isolation More Buy-in to the Goals of the School Shared Responsibility for Students’ Successes New Knowledge about Teaching and Learning More Informed; Renewed Higher Morale, Greater Satisfaction, Improved Attendance
Student Benefits Decreased Drop-out Rate Less Absenteeism Improved Academic Results Decreased Achievement Gap between Students from Different Backgrounds
PLC vs. TRADITIONAL Students Learn vs. Students Taught Culture of Collaboration vs. Culture of Isolation Capacity of Staff Together for Improvement vs. Improvement Results vs. Activities Assessment for Learning vs. Assessment of Learning Widespread, Dispersed Leadership vs. the Charismatic Leader Success Depends on Effort vs. External Forces Determine Success
Activity Powerful Designs for Professional Learning-pp. 6-11
Who? What and Why? When? How? Cost? Activity
Activities Book Study Group Book Study Group Peer Teaching Peer Teaching Peer Review Peer Review CORR (Collaborating Online for CORR (Collaborating Online for Rigor and Relevance) Personal Growth Plan Personal Growth Plan
Levels of Evaluation Participant Feedback Change in Teacher Practice Impact on Student Achievement Systemic Professional Development
Professional Development Rubric
We often face the unknown with fear and uncertainty.
Amount of Transfer Teach Others/Use Learning Practice & Real Application Discussion Group Demonstration Audio Visual Reading Lecture 90% 75% 50% 30% 20% 10% 5% Learning Activity Retention
-National Commission on Teaching and America’s Future, “The bottom line is that there is just no way to create good schools without good teachers.”
Your Reaction?????
Margaret Mead Never doubt that a small group of citizens can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has.
Staying on the Cutting Edge Focus on the real goals Keep yourself learning Share with others Don’t follow others blindly
Staying on the Cutting Edge Recognize the need for change
Staying on the Cutting Edge Recognize the need for change Focus on the real goals
Look into the future through the eyes of a child?
Staying on the Cutting Edge Recognize the need for change Focus on the real goals Keep yourself learning
Sometimes, I feel like I know less today than I did yesterday.
Staying on the Cutting Edge Recognize the need for change Focus on the real goals Keep yourself learning Share with others
Are you still making all of the decisions?
Staying on the Cutting Edge Recognize the need for change Focus on the real goals Keep yourself learning Share with others Don’t follow others blindly
Lovers never send form letters.
Further Information
International Center for Leadership in Education, Inc. Helen M. Branigan Senior Consultant 1587 Route 146 Rexford, NY Phone (518) Fax (518)