Ashoke Madhab Roy Deputy Secretary Local Govt. Division Ministry of Local Government Rural Development & Cooperatives
Area: 147,570 sq. km Population: 144 million Population Density: 976 persons per sq. km Location: In the West, North & North-East: India In the South East: Myanmar In the South: Bay of Bengal Average Height: 10m above sea level. Capital City: Dhaka Language: Bengali Currency: Taka (1 US$ = 68 Taka) Government: Parliamentary Form Main River: The Padma, the Jamuna & the Meghna Climate: Sub-tropical Temperature: C in winter & C in summer Average Rainfall: Annually 1429 to 4338 mm Main Export: Jute, Tea, Garments, Frozen Fish etc.
GoalsGlobal Targets Targets Bangladesh Target IndicatorsCurrentStatusMDG Target Target2015EnsureEnvironmentalSustainability Target 10 Halve, by 2015, the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe Drinking Water and basic sanitation Ensure that 100% of urban and 96.5% of rural population have access to safe water by 2010 Indicator 29: Proportion of population with sustainable access to an improved water source: urban99.2%100% rural97.1%96.5% Ensure that 100% of Urban and rural population have access to improved sanitation by 2010 Indicator 30: Proportion of population with sustainable access to improved sanitation : urban86%85.5% rural88%55.5% Bangladesh MDGs Status at a Glance
- Department of Public Health Engineering (DPHE) - SACOSAN (2003) - Dhaka Declaration: Sanitation for All by Recalls Education for All promise - Baseline survey: % no access to any sanitation facility - 29% sanitary latrines - 24% unhygienic latrines
- National Strategy (2005) - Completely stopping open defecation - Sanitary latrines for all families (maximum 2 families) - All will use sanitary latrines - Sustainable arrangements for upkeep and maintenance - Improved personal hygiene practices - Wastewater, solid waste disposal also addressed
EcoSan Technologies for urban sanitation - Low cost appropriate technology (e.g. twin pit, eco san) should be promoted in peri-urban areas as well as in other small to medium sized urban centers where feasible.
- Full political support - National Sanitation Secretariat (DPHE) - Sanitation Task Forces (District, Upazila, Union) - Devolution to local government - Linkage with Pro-Poor Strategy for Water and Sanitation - National Sanitation Month
- 20% of ADP earmarked for sanitation for hard-core poor FY 2005: Tk 180 million - 25% of union sanitation funds (about 20,000 Tk) for promotional activities - 10,000 Tk each ward member - Cash rewards: Open Defecation Free unions (200,000 Tk) and upazilas (500,000 Tk). > 1000 UPs by crore Tk (about 7 million USD) to DPHE for latrines
Autonomous organisation supported by Japan (JICA/JADE) and local NGOs have been taken initiative to promote Eco toilet in Bangladesh since Organizations are mainly: Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development (BARD); Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development (BARD); Society for People’s Action in Change and Action (SPACE) Society for People’s Action in Change and Action (SPACE) Bangladesh Association for Social Advancement (BASA) Bangladesh Association for Social Advancement (BASA) Practical Action Practical Action
With financial and technical supports of JADE, a Japanese NGO piloting 15 EcoSan toilets in 2004 ; With financial and technical supports of JADE, a Japanese NGO piloting 15 EcoSan toilets in 2004 ; 135 EcoSan toilets constructed and usage by community so far 135 EcoSan toilets constructed and usage by community so far Over 80% toilets always found well-managed; Over 80% toilets always found well-managed;
SPACE a local NGO supported by JADE/JICA Constructed 25 Eco toilets in a flood prone areas; Constructed 25 Eco toilets in a flood prone areas; 402 toilets at household level 402 toilets at household level 15 toilets in 5 schools 15 toilets in 5 schools Cost of each household toilets Tk. 10,000 to (Equivalent to US$ 150 to 180) and toilet owners shared 30% to 40% of total construction costs. Cost of each household toilets Tk. 10,000 to (Equivalent to US$ 150 to 180) and toilet owners shared 30% to 40% of total construction costs. 37 toilets installed by 100% cost paid by owners. 37 toilets installed by 100% cost paid by owners. Each Secondary School EcoSan toilets (with 6 vaults, 6 urinals, 3 separate hand washing arrangements and room attached) costs Tk. 80,000 (Equivalent to US$ 1180). Schools have shared 20% of the total cost. Each Secondary School EcoSan toilets (with 6 vaults, 6 urinals, 3 separate hand washing arrangements and room attached) costs Tk. 80,000 (Equivalent to US$ 1180). Schools have shared 20% of the total cost. Initiative taken on micro-finance basis; Initiative taken on micro-finance basis;
BASA, a national NGO and Practical Action have jointly installed 9 EcoSan toilets in Gazipur with financial assistance of WASTE, Netherlands under ISSUE-2 project; BASA, a national NGO and Practical Action have jointly installed 9 EcoSan toilets in Gazipur with financial assistance of WASTE, Netherlands under ISSUE-2 project; Installed 6 EcoSan toilets in Chittagong and Noakhali districts with financial assistance of WHO; Installed 6 EcoSan toilets in Chittagong and Noakhali districts with financial assistance of WHO; BASA has installed double vault household based UDD options BASA has installed double vault household based UDD options Each toilet costs Tk to (equivalent to US$ ) Each toilet costs Tk to (equivalent to US$ ) Toilet owner’s shared 20% to 30% of total construction costs; Toilet owner’s shared 20% to 30% of total construction costs;
Practical Action (PA) has piloted 2 EcoSan toilets in urban area of Faridpur and jointly installed 9 EcoSan toilets in Gazipur with BASA; Practical Action (PA) has piloted 2 EcoSan toilets in urban area of Faridpur and jointly installed 9 EcoSan toilets in Gazipur with BASA; Another 5 local NGOs with technical supports of SPACE have started installation of EcoSan toilets in their project areas; Another 5 local NGOs with technical supports of SPACE have started installation of EcoSan toilets in their project areas;
Initiatives of EcoSan by GOB GOB has undertaken initiatives for installation at least one EcoSan toilet in each union (4500 unions) as a demonstration and allocated resources accordingly; GOB has undertaken initiatives for installation at least one EcoSan toilet in each union (4500 unions) as a demonstration and allocated resources accordingly; 20% Unions could install the allocated EcoSan toilets 20% Unions could install the allocated EcoSan toilets
Adequacy About 3000 Eco toilets are available in Bangladesh About 3000 Eco toilets are available in Bangladesh Still under observation Still under observation For R&D it is adequate For R&D it is adequate For implementation it is still too small For implementation it is still too small
Reflection in SACOSAN Bangladesh experienced shared in the last SACOSAN (lll) Bangladesh experienced shared in the last SACOSAN (lll)
EcoSan potentials Bangladesh population : 140 m Bangladesh population : 140 m Products about 56 m tons of urine Products about 56 m tons of urine Equivalent to 45 m tons of useable urea Equivalent to 45 m tons of useable urea Can replace about 30 m tons of chemical urea Can replace about 30 m tons of chemical urea Produces about 14 m tons of feaces Produces about 14 m tons of feaces Can be converted to 3.5 m tons of useable compost Can be converted to 3.5 m tons of useable compost Can replace 0.8 m tons of chemical fertilizers Can replace 0.8 m tons of chemical fertilizers
EcoSan potentials Bangladesh currently uses around 5 m tons of chemical fertilizers which can be replaced by just bringing 25% of our population under the coverage of eco-sanitation Bangladesh currently uses around 5 m tons of chemical fertilizers which can be replaced by just bringing 25% of our population under the coverage of eco-sanitation
Challenges Effective Coordination Effective Coordination User’s friendly and affordable designs User’s friendly and affordable designs Limited funds – Govt. and Donors; Limited funds – Govt. and Donors; Absence of user’s friendly guidelines; Absence of user’s friendly guidelines; Building capacities at all levels; Building capacities at all levels; Still considered pilot; Still considered pilot; Local Authorities unaware; Local Authorities unaware;
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