Composting Toilets
Benefits Composting toilets allows you to cut your water bill in half. It protects the watershed from getting dirty. Composting toilets requires no septic system, no plumbing service needed and it’s an odorless toilet.
7 Billion Gallons A government study shows that together Americans flush just about 7 billion gallons of drinking quality water right down the pipes every single day. All that water ends right back into our lakes, ocean and even our watershed.
Superiority Composting toilets offer a much more better solution to waste treatment then the regular toilets. Composting toilets are more elegant and it requires no water at all and no sewer connection, it is 100% non-polluting. It is easy and quick to install anywhere in your home, composting toilets are eco-friendly.
Evaporating Process Composting toilets accelerates the evaporating process and decomposition process too. Composting helps evaporate liquids and eliminate odors, and helps breakdown the contents into soil and fertilizers. The toilet waste is over 90% water content. As it compost, moisture is released through the venting system. And leaving only a small amount of nutrient rich soil.
Assembling Process Composting toilets are pre-assemble and many models does not require plumbing service. Instillation is assemble in just a short moment. Starting a composting toilet is really easy, first you add some peat mix and some micro mix that is supplied with the unit then add some water and that is all to the composting toilet and now its ready to use.
Maintaining Process Maintaining your composting toilet is very simple and easy, first you add peat mix and rotate the handle to turn the bio- drum, then finished compost is removed from the cabinet below the composting toilet.