Role of Good Governance in Transforming DFIs into Sustainable Institutions Presented by: Cesar G. Saldaña, Ph. D. Founding Fellow, ICD
Seminar on Strengthening Governance & Sustainability for Financial Institutions in Vietnam May 7-8, 2007 ∗ Hanoi, Vietnam Adopting Sustainable Development Policies The advantages of adopting sustainable DFI strategies, policies and principles are becoming clear. These advantages are following global, not national and regional, trends and rules. The demands of the global capital markets and other stakeholders for corporations to embrace sustainable development will determine the performance of companies. The rules have changed toward global responsibilities of companies. Companies that do not change will not succeed.
Seminar on Strengthening Governance & Sustainability for Financial Institutions in Vietnam May 7-8, 2007 ∗ Hanoi, Vietnam Good governance for Sustainable Development initiates/decides the DFI’s orientation towards SD keeps the DFI focused on pursuing SD allocates the necessary resources needed for SD determines the DFI’s policies and strategies needed to achieve SD has an important role to make in building up and safeguarding the reputation of the DFI to attract suppliers and encourage other stakeholders to participate and cooperate in the DFI’s SD program
Seminar on Strengthening Governance & Sustainability for Financial Institutions in Vietnam May 7-8, 2007 ∗ Hanoi, Vietnam Good governance for Sustainable Development determines the DFI’s strategic values and thrusts and policies necessary to pursue SD prevents corruption and graft at the top levels that corrode resources which is anti-SD possesses and shares the wealth of knowledge and experience of the Board of Directors – necessary to be well grounded on the basics, adaptive, innovative to attain SD.