African Project Implementation of the 2008 System of National Accounts
Background Quality of statistics questioned. - SNA93 (88%) - SNA68 (12%) Imperative to strengthening African statistics. - African charter on Statistics (2009) - SHaSA (2012)
System of National Accounts as a tool for improving Economic Statistics Mandate: implementation of the 2008 SNA in Africa Coordinating framework for economic statistics
Challenges confronting the compilation of economic statistics in Africa Limited Human, Financial, and Technical Resources Weak Statistical Capacity and Infrastructure Unharmonious National Accounts Systems on the continent Inconsistencies and Incompleteness in Covering the Economy Early Stages in the Development of National Accounts
Objective, Impact & Outcomes Improve quality & availability Development Objective Implement 2008 SNA Impact Improvement in African statistics Expected Accomplish ment
Context of the project Global Global strategy for SNA08 implementation African Project document (SHaSA) Phase I implementation (AGNA) Regional Align to African strategy, regional specificities Country Country specific Included in strategic plans
Outputs and Project activities Phase 1 = 3EA > 6 Outputs >21 activities streamlined = 14 activities
EA1.Improved capacities in production, analysis, and dissemination of national accounts in Member States Outputs Activities 1.1 Application of modern IT tools for compiling, processing, and analyzing statistical in formation 1.2 Establishment and strengthening of needed institutions Utilize modern and country‐adapted IT tools Launch assistance for countries lagging behind in the implementation of the 1993 SNA. Establish or strengthen existing governance and coordination structures for national accounts statistics at national level. Create the ANNA
Outputs Activities 2.1 Availability of technical document on use of administrative data for national accounts compilation 2.2 Availability of financial resources for national accounts activities Make an inventory of administrative data sources required for national accounts compilation Develop a guidebook on processing data from administrative sources in national accounts. Prepare advocacy materials and tools Organize advocacy campaigns at continental, regional, and national levels. Organize round table meetings with current and potential funding partners EA2. Increased human, financial, and technical resources for national accounts in Member States
Outputs Activities 3.1 SNA Continental Steering Committee and Secretariat established and functional 3.2 Monitoring, evaluation, and reporting developed and related results produced Establish and strengthen SNA Continental Steering Committee Establish and strengthen SNA Continental Secretariat. Conduct a further and in-depth assessment on national accounts status and capacity of all African countries Adapt and develop framework and tools for monitoring, evaluation, and reporting of the implementation of the 2008 SNA. Produce and disseminate monitoring and evaluation reports. EA3. Timely and effectively completed first phase to set a foundation for the implementation of Phase II
Implementation strategy & methodology
PHASE 1 - Parallel processes Methodological developments USD 984,300 Institution Strengthening USD 33,000 Advocacy campaign USD127,600 Monitoring, Evaluation, & Reporting USD 235,273 STARTSTART ENDEND
Methodological developments Manuals & guidebooks Capacity building Training Technical assistance
Institution strengthening The establishment of the African Network of National Accountants (ANNA) Development of calendars for statistics data dissemination Development of National Accountant’s profile Development of a training programs in National Accounts
Advocacy campaign Advocacy material Strategy to address all government segments
Monitoring, evaluation, & reporting Continental Secretariat Progress Report Continental Steering Committee Governance of project
Resource requirements COMPONENTS AMOUNT (USD) Methodological Development, Training, and Technical Assistance 984,300 Institutional Strengthening 33,000 Advocacy Campaign 127,600 Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting 235,273 Secretariat and Administrative Support 2,939,525 Subtotal 4,319,698 Program Support Costs 561,561 Total 4,881,259 Summary Table of Expenditures for Phase I of the Project 30 % 10 % 60 %
Suggested discussions points: Scope of project Gaps and/duplication ? Implementation plans Timelines realistic? Responsibilities clear? Manageable for all parties, including RECs and countries? Resource implications What is already available? What are the gaps? General views
Thank you J de Beer DDG : Economic Statistics Statistics South Africa