1 Corporate Etiquette & Grooming = Success in the Work Field
2 Understand the concept of professional image Articulate the importance and significance of professional image & etiquette Prepare yourself with the right dressing for the right job Demonstrate good human relations in a professional environment Objective
3 What is professional image ?
4 Four Attributes of Professional Image Appropriate Business Appearance Use of correct manners and etiquette Appropriate personal behavior Effective communication
5 What is Business Etiquette? Presenting Yourself Good Manners Courteous to others Respect of others Being comfortable around others and making them comfortable around you No gender issue
6 Business Attire
7 Tips on dressing for the job Schedule haircuts at regular intervals Press your clothing Wear collared shirts
8 Tips on dressing for the job Make sure your clothing is clean and mended Wear clothing that fits your figure Keep your breath fresh Wear shoes that are well maintained Smell fresh!! Use a Deodorant or Perfume.
9 For men: Wear socks that cover your calves For men: Wear an undershirt under your dress shirt Keep your hands manicured and clean If wearing a blazer- button blazer or jacket when you stand Tips on dressing for the job – For Men
10 Tips on dressing for the job – For Women Don’t wear more than 13 accessories Hair and nails must be clean and groomed If you wear nail polish, make sure it is a conservative colour Your hair should be pulled away from your face
11 Dressing at Workplace Casual Attire is fine… But… Don’t wear torn or tattered clothing. Don’t wear offensive logos/Patterns, or logos of other companies. No shorts, or short length clothes. No floaters.
12 REMEMBER… You never get a second chance to make a good first impression! Always take pride in your appearance. NEVER, NEVER, UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF YOUR APPEARANCE Dress for the position you want, not the position you have
13 Professional Etiquette You only have ONE opportunity to make a good first impression
14 First Impressions Within 30 seconds people judge your Economic level Educational level Social position Level of sophistication Level of success Within 4 minutes people decide your Trustworthiness Compassion Reliability Intelligence Capability Humility Friendliness Confidence
15 Making Positive First Impressions Determine audience Identify their expectations Establish objectives Dress, behave, and communicate in a way that reflects audience expectations
16 A,B,Cs of Image Appearance Color, wardrobe, grooming Behavior Etiquette, civility, attitude Communication Verbal, nonverbal, written
17 Professional Etiquette— Meeting and Greeting Handshake: offer entire hand, web-to-web, shake lightly and release Know whom to introduce first Junior to senior Fellow worker to client Eliminate slang/jargon from your vocabulary Always on time, always organized, always ready
18 Business networking in social situations Never introduce yourself by your title Name tags on your right shoulder Keep your right hand free Stay informed of current events Maintain eye contact
19 Showing Respect Always use last names with customers unless they are about your age and rank Don’t keep customers waiting Escort clients out When someone of higher rank or from outside the organization enters, everyone in the office stands Junior employees stand until seniors sit
20 Business Cards Manage business card exchanges flawlessly Always have a supply of cards Ask for someone’s card before offering your own Present card face up Take time to look at received card NEVER turn down an offered card Be selective when distributing cards Be aware of international card etiquette
21 Hugs Hugs are inappropriate in any business environment Touching others in the workplace, whether they are of the same gender or not, is impolite
22 Hugs No patting someone on the back No putting your arm around someone No putting your hand on his or her shoulder
23 You extend a handshake When… Someone offers his/her hand to you First meeting someone Greeting guests Greeting your host/hostess Renewing an acquaintance Saying goodbye
24 The Proper Handshake Involves eye contact Is firm but painless Lasts about three seconds Takes only two or three pumps Starts and stops crisply Doesn’t continue through the entire introduction
25 What About Doors? If you reach the door first, open it, go through it and hold it Allow Senior executive to reach door and go through it first If someone’s arms are laden, hold the door regardless
26 Workplace Etiquette
27 Correspondence Etiquette Every written invitation gets a response unless it asks for money Respond within 1 week Follow directions for response Special instructions will be in lower corners Envelope will indicate addressee Send “Thank you” letters in return Always include a cover letter for written documents (need based) Sit on written documents for 24 hours (if possible)
28 Etiquette only those people to whom your messages actually pertain to— don’t send mass or chain letters M-ake a point of responding to messages promptly A-lways use spell-check and grammar check before sending messages—be brief and clear I-nclude your telephone number in your message L-earn that should be used for business rather than personal use—don’t send anything you wouldn’t want to see in public
29 Placing Calls Let people know right away who’s calling Try to call when you know it’s convenient If you get another call, the first caller has priority
30 Telephone manners Answer the phone with your name and company (or department) When placing calls, state your name and company or department immediately when phone is answered Speak clearly State the purpose of your call Only use speakerphone for conference calls Always smile when using the phone Say please and thank you Judge your audience before making small talk Return your calls
31 Voice Mail/Mobile Phone Use Realize proper usage of mobile phones in business Understand how to leave an adequate voice message Check messages frequently on a daily basis Avoid using in a restaurant, movie, church, or meeting Limit your conversation when in close quarters Use a quiet voice Refrain from using when driving
32 Office Etiquette Be self-aware--use common sense Mind your own business Avoid strong cologne Never ever go over your supervisor’s head Obey your company’s business dress attire Keep your germs to yourself Treat every employee with the same respect Do not post things of an offensive nature No matter your job or your title, always hold yourself to a higher standard
33 The 11 Commandments of Cubicle Etiquette Thou shall not enter another’s cubicle unless thou art invited. Thou shall not interrupt someone who is on the telephone by using sign language or any other means of communication. Thou shall think twice before interrupting someone who appears deep in thought. Thou shall be aware of how thy voice projects. Thou shall realize that speaker phones and cubicles don’t mix. Thou shall not discuss a confidential matter in a cubicle setting. Thou shall realize that everything thou sayest makes an impression on thy “internal customers.” Thou shall not make or receive personal telephone calls during the workday. Thou should not make eye contact with someone if thou wish not to be interrupted. Thou shall not end meetings in a rude impromptu. Thou shall recognize thy cubicle to be a direct reflection of thyself. Keep it neat and orderly.
34 Meeting Etiquette Always have your calendar, notebook & pen Never bring up personal problems/issues in a professional situation Avoid “you” talk Stay on schedule In conference rooms hang back until power players have taken seats: ends and middle sides of table are power seats
35 REMEMBER… You never get a second chance to make a good first impression!
36 Thank You!!