OVER a cookie ask your tablemates… Who do you know who’s adopted? What can you tell about their story?
The Bible was written/compiled over centuries. The OT was written in Hebrew. The NT was written in Greek. We read translations… Stories of Jesus are told in 4 Gospels. Paul wrote letters…wrote Ephesians from prison… to a town in Turkey.
G o d’ s R i c h e s A t C h r i s t’ s E x p e n s e
PEACE = shalom (Hebrew), eirene (Greek) Wholeness, health, integrity of heart, soul, mind, and strength Remember Dt. 6:4-5. Sing it! 1 John 4:19. “We love, because God first loved us.”
Love the Lord your God with all your heart And all your soul, and all your mind And love all humankind As you would love yourself and… Love… the Lord your God… With all your heart… With all your soul And mind and love all humankind We’ve got Christian lives to live We’ve got Jesus love to give We’ve got nothing to hide Because in him we all abide
Think of someone who loves you. How can you tell? What questions do you have?
Adoption: The best answer › Mine twice! What’s on your “belt of truth”? › Use words or pictures to tell the truth about God and about YOU—the one God created, loves, and has a very special purpose for.
Sunday Notes Nursery News—Service Opp! Campership Chili Cookoff, 11/4 › Chili ! › Judge nominees › Dessert Auction › Silent Auction › Setup & Cleanup Help Dessert Signup
Find your mom/dad/ child/spouse, stand facing each other, and end our time with a Baptismal good (bene) word (diction): (Name), child of God, you are sealed with the Holy Spirit, and marked with the cross of Christ forever.
Gather your stuff Put up tables and chairs Check and see the kitchen is tidy Ask PB if there’s anything else to do!