College Credit for CTE Programs of Study = College/Career All Students Eligible Require B grade & + REAL College Transcript Stay at High School
Enroll in an eligible TECH PREP course at your high school Register for TECH PREP using our online registration system Pay the $46 consortium fee Complete your TECH PREP course with a grade of ‘B’ or higher!
INVESTING IN YOUR EDUCATION BC $ 1,448 Associate degree: two-year degree of 90 credits First two years at a university 90 credits UW $ 4,121 Cost Difference $ 2,673
Tuition has gone up – up – up 55% increase in 5 years At Community College 5 credits = $574 15 credits = $1,448 At University of Washington 5 credits = $2,096 One quarter = $4,121 Difference = 1 class = $1,522 One quarter = $2,673 Tech Prep = one year = $46
Fill in course info here depending on class!!!
Attending a different college or university? Order OFFICIAL transcript to be sent to your college Credits evaluated Credit is guaranteed at ALL WA cc’s Often transfer to 4 years as well depends on receiving college Course and availability at chosen college Chosen program of study DTA = good way to go! Outline of steps available on our website
How to Register for Classes
Enter through Tech Prep College Connections website: – Click “Register Now” OR Enter Registration system web address:
A) NEW STUDENT click on “Create an Account” B) RETURNING STUDENT If you have created a User Name & Password, please enter it here C) RETURNING STUDENT Enter your TP1 or TP3 number (ex. TP1-XX-XXXX) and birth date (MM/DD/YYYY) in the format shown. s User Name & Password OR Tech Prep ID # if address was provided From the SERS home page, click on “Students Click Here”. The Student Log In screen appears.
For those students whom had already created an account and were logging in. Once they click the Login button. The Student home page appears. Main Menu
From the Student Log in screen, click on “Create an Account”. The Create Student Account screen appears. Red dots indicate required fields. Birth Date must follow format. Ex. 09/22/1992 C3N DOES require an address Career Clusters and Future Plans Pick what you are most interested in at this time Career Clusters and Future Plans Pick what you are most interested in at this time
Select a User Name and Password of your choice. Your User Name must be unique (ex. Name is Mary Smith, user name is msmith). The system will not let you create a new account if you are already in the system. Passwords must be over six characters. Address is REQUIRED ! System will you confirmation of your user ID and your registration If you forget your log in information, system can you. BIRTH DATE – please enter as the example shows (09/22/1992) Social Security Number = NOT required State Student ID Number = NOT required
Select your School District from the drop-down field. Select your Home High School from the drop-down field. Only high schools in the chosen district appear in this field. Select choices from the Career Cluster and Future Plans drop-down fields. This information can be edited later. A Career Cluster is an area of study that you are interested in pursuing through further education or training. The Future Plans section is your current plan (at this time) for the education path you are interested in pursuing. If you do not know at this time, simply click “Unsure at this Time”. When done, click the Submit button.
A confirmation message appears. If you have not entered an address, you will receive a pop-up reminder : Click Yes to continue or Click No to return and enter your address, then click Submit again. The Student Home Page will appear.
Note the links in the left-hand navigation area. Main Menu
3. When Course(s) have been checked off, click “REGISTER” 1.USE TOP TWO DROP DOWNS ONLY!!! Then click “GO SEARCH!” 2. Click on course Checkbox
After searching for classes, in the Register for Classes results table, *click in the checkbox next to the class or classes you want to register for. If you are signing up for a year-long class OR your class is available for credit at more that one college, the class will appear more than once When you pick one option (1 st semester), it will grey the other options On the confirmation screen you will choose your teacher(s) If you cannot register for a class, one of the three icons below will appear indicating why: Registration is not open. You are already registered for that class. You have already completed that class. When done, click the Register button in the top left hand corner.
The Select Class Offerings & Complete Registration screen Check the checkbox for the teacher you will be taking the class from. If there is only one teacher, the checkbox is automatically selected. If two classes required, choose a teacher for each class To finish the registration, click the Save & Register button. You must click on “Save & Register” to complete your registration! You MUST check your teacher
Registration Confirmation Screen If you have provided your current address, you will not need to print. A registration confirmation will be sent directly to your address. To print the confirmation page, click the print icon at the top of the screen.
From the Student Home page, click on Change Password. The Select New Password screen appears. Enter your current and new passwords. Click the Save Changes button. A “Password changed” message appears in the left-hand navigation area. To perform another function, click on Return to Student Home. Click on Student Home for student menu options
From the Student Home page, click on View/Edit Profile. The View/Update Student Profile screen appears. Update Contact info, Home High School and update address so that information can be promptly sent to you. When credits are transcribed, College Name and College SID Number will be available. When done, CLICK SUBMIT!!
Questions? Tech Prep College Connections