OntoMap.ORG Project Proposal Atanas Kiryakov OntoText Lab, Sirma AI Ltd. (
22-23 Nov OntoMap.ORG Project Proposal2 Semantic web portal for upper-level ontologies Host the most popular upper-level ontologies Provide them in many formats Make an application server Map them to each other Classify them by conformance dimensions The Idea
22-23 Nov OntoMap.ORG Project Proposal3 Upper-Level Ontologies Unified Representation Formats and Representations, Application Server The Initial Set of Ontologies Mappings The Dream Team Ontology Unification Services Next Slides
22-23 Nov OntoMap.ORG Project Proposal4 What’s special about them? Primitive concepts grounded in the common sense Mostly defined by taxonomic relations Naturally “light-weight” (according to Rudi Studer) Why? – Try to answer for Table class and Leg slot: What’s the minimal and maximal cardinality? What’s the type restriction? Upper-Level Ontologies
22-23 Nov OntoMap.ORG Project Proposal5 It seems standard and universal, right? (picture from OntoTerm) Upper-Level Ontologies (II) But what about the Stuff/Object distinction?
22-23 Nov OntoMap.ORG Project Proposal6 OntoMapO – a meta-ontology in the spirit of: A Formal Ontology of Properties (Guarino and Welty, EKAW2000) Concept Upper Model (CUM in ODE, Gomez-Perez et all.) the Upper Cyc Ontology primitives Semantic patterns (according to Rudi Studer) Unified Representation
22-23 Nov OntoMap.ORG Project Proposal7 PROLOG, LISP KIF, Ontolingua XML (according to OIL and OntoMapO) RDF(S) HTML – static pages HTML – ontology browser SQL scripts, MDB (Access), DBF (DBase, etc.) Formats and Representations
22-23 Nov OntoMap.ORG Project Proposal8 Online application server providing API for access to the ontologies via: CORBA EJB and RMI SOAP (an RPC protocol based on XML) Application Server
22-23 Nov OntoMap.ORG Project Proposal9 The Initial Set of Ontologies Upper Cyc Ontology [ UCYC ] EuroWordnet Top Ontology [ ETOP ] EuroWordnet Clusters [ ECLUST ] WordNet 1.5 unique beginners [ WNUB5 ] WordNet 1.6 unique beginners [ WNUB6 ] CORELEX [ CLEX ] - made on top of WNUB5 SIMPLE Core Ontology [ SIMC ] SIMPLE Recommended Ontology [ SIMR ]
22-23 Nov OntoMap.ORG Project Proposal10 OntoMap.ORG Project Proposal Mappings Agenda: Already existing and available To be developed under the project Given (natural/made creation time) ETOP ECLUST UCYC CLEX WNUB5 WNUB6 SIMR SIMC
22-23 Nov OntoMap.ORG Project Proposal11 OntoMap.ORG Project Proposal OntoText Lab. – a coordinator. Members (organizations): Guru in the ontology design Lexical knowledge base developer User of domain specific ontologies User of lexical knowledge bases The Dream Team
22-23 Nov OntoMap.ORG Project Proposal12 OntoMap.ORG Project Proposal Services for upper-level and domain specific ontologies on top of the OntoMap server: Loading and hosting an ontology in OntoMap Available in multiple formats Clear conformance profile Public/Private access Mapping to other ontologies Ontology Unification Services