North Platte Public Schools Created by School Psychologists Tonya Townsend, Robyn Henke, Kristi Chessmore Behavioral Consultant Angie Bay, Educational Diagnostician Dolly Mroczek and Curriculum Instruction and High Ability Learner (HAL) Director Gayle Sharkey August 2014
Objectives What is SAT? Where does SAT fit in a RTI framework? Team members including parents Types of Data SAT (including HAL and Behavior Referrals) IEP Problem Solving Process Navigate District Site 504 Plans
What is SAT? SAT is a group of persons utilizing problem solving and intervention strategies to assist the teacher(s) in the provision of the general education. Focuses on individual students that require more intensive support and intervention Required in NPPSD’s policy and listed in Nebraska Rule 51, Special Education Law (revised July 14, 2014) and Rule 3 Regulations Governing High Ability Learners Please visit the Student Service SAT Website for information
Core Instructional Interventions All students Preventive, proactive Targeted Group Interventions Some students (at-risk) Differentiated Instruction Intensive, Individual Interventions Individual Students High intensity Problem Solving Process Student Assistance Team
Problem Solving Process for HAL Tier I Student Assistance Team Tier II Tier III Individual Differentiation Small Group Enrichment Intervention Pretest is crucial Screening Assessment Grade 3 Classroom enrichment Targeted Group Enrichment Intervention Differentiated Instruction Examples: I/E time, after school clubs, project based learning Individual Differentiated Plan Individual Students High Intensity Targeted and Specific Differentiated Learning Plan (DLP) Core Instructional Differentiation All Students Responsive Horizontal Enrichment
SAT Team Members HAL SAT Team Members Parents, guardians and caregivers Best practice, but not required for meetings Teachers School Counselors Principals Student(s), when appropriate Depending upon area of concern, the following individuals might be consultants: school nurse, behavioral specialist, and Title 1 Teacher,etc. Teachers School Counselors Principals HAL Building Site Coordinator Case Manager if twice exceptional HAL Director (if needed) If creating a Differentiated Learning Plan (DLP) involve parents
Role of the Parent Provide valuable information and another viewpoint Share the child’s strengths and concerns with school staff Participate in the development and implementation of a positive intervention plan for their child Parent should be given the SAT brochure and the Student Information Summary.
SAT Process Teachers request assistance from SAT when the following areas are not being met under existing circumstances: Communication Learning Behavior Emotional Special Education Teachers are not part of the SAT team; however they can be a resource for intervention strategies. Teachers can also request assistance from SAT for High Ability Learners (HAL) Parents can also request assistance for problem solving when they have concerns for their child See Parent Request for Evaluation Flowchart Interventions can be provided at any time prior to beginning the SAT process
Beneficial Information to Consider: School Attendance Limited English Proficiency Disruptions in instruction (multiple school settings, truancy, and chronic illness and medical needs) Vision and/or hearing problems Environmental Factors including family issues Academic performance -Look for patterns -Recent drop in performance and/or performance exceeding grade level expectations -Assignment completion Social & Emotional Problems Effects of medications and consistency Prior Special Education Testing and Services
Information and Data Collected Parent Teacher SAT contacts the parent to inform them about the concern and problem solving process Provided with the SAT brochure and the Student Information Summary (not needed for HAL referrals) Referring teacher(s) complete the Teacher’s Request for Assistance from SAT Additional forms completed by the team: Classroom Observation Intervention Plan Intervention Plan Change Data Collection Graph The procedures and forms can be found within the nppsd website login Login is : Password: bulldogs2012
First SAT Meeting Parent Input Welcomed to the meeting Discuss the student’s strengths and area(s) of concern Student Information Summary collected Student information is taken from the back of the SAT brochure, if available Teacher Input Discuss the student’s strengths and area(s) of concern Relevant background information Team develops the Intervention Plan Request or discuss classroom observation Schedule follow-up SAT meeting Typically 30 days from initial meeting date
Types of Data Provide information on interventions that have been tried prior to referral to SAT To better determine the area of concern and the impact of intervention(s), the following types of data may be collected: Observations Classroom work samples; pre/post test data Standardized tests (MAPS, NESA, etc) Behavioral Logs and Disciplinary Referrals (with guidance of Behavior Specialists) Curriculum Based Measurement (CBM) Probes Common Formative Assessments
Term Definitions Enrichment involves a broadening of the learning experience through enhancements to the curriculum. Importance is placed on the development of certain qualities of the mind: problem solving, creative thinking, initiative and self-direction, discovery, higher order thinking skills, profound personal interests, self-acceptance, and the courage to learn new things. Differentiation is a framework or philosophy for effective teaching that involves recognition of diverse learners. Teachers continually observe and plan instruction based on the differences and similarities of their students. This provides students with multiple opportunities to take in and demonstrate understanding of information, regardless of their learning style and ability,. Interventions are designed to change the manner and/or degree in which a student is being instructed in either small or large group settings. An intervention can address academic and/or behavioral needs. An academic intervention is a strategy used to teach a new skill, build fluency in a skill or encourage a child to apply an existing skill to new situations or settings.
Term Definitions Supports may include meaningful parent involvement, outside agency counseling, and unstructured peer tutoring, etc. Modifications are a form of specially designed instruction that change what the student is expected to master and possibly the grade level content of his/her educational program. Accommodations do not reduce learning or performance expectations that we might hold for students. More specifically, they change the manner or setting in which information is presented and/or the manner in which students respond.
Follow-up SAT Meeting Team including the parent discuss the student’s response to intervention(s) and review the collected progress monitoring data Team determines whether additional information is needed: Continue intervention and data collection Change the intervention plan Complete the Intervention Plan Change form, if necessary Collect additional relevant information Decide whether the student should remain in SAT SAT and 504 plan tab will be added to Infinite Campus (IC). Consider filling out the End of the Year SAT Summary form
Follow-up Meeting for Intervention Change Intervention Change might mean: Frequency, Intensity and Duration of Intervention New Intervention targeting the same area of concern If the targeted area of concern changes, it is best practice that interventions should continue for at least 6 to 8 weeks in the new area New progress monitoring data should be occurring at the same time as the intervention Progress monitoring should occur no less than once a week (twice a week is ideal) See SAT Procedure Checklist for more specific information
Process for students on an IEP The IEP Problem Solving form is a district form required prior to the request of testing in a new area of concern and also for HAL referrals. It is also required for those students that have not had formal academic testing. 4 weeks of intervention and data collection in the area of need is required The student’s case manager will take the lead in coordinating and submitting the necessary paperwork for referral The IEP team including the parent need to work together in completing the problem solving form. Resource teachers can serve as consultants only for ideas for academic interventions and progress monitoring tools, if they are not on the student’s IEP team. Example. Verified speech language impairment and/or Developmental Delay
Process for students on an IEP (cont.) Forms Required for an IEP Referral IEP Problem Solving Form Classroom Observation Progress Monitoring Data Student Information Summary Any other relevant data and information All referrals, except for speech only or HAL, must be submitted to Dolly at McKinley Education Center
Section 504 What is it? Expansion into Schools Section 504 is a part of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 that prohibits discrimination based upon disability Section 504 is an anti- discrimination, civil rights statute that requires the needs of students with disabilities to be met as adequately as the needs of the non-disabled are met An individual with a disability means any person who: has a mental or physical impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activity In 2004, Congress expanded their definition of disability Physical and Mental Learning disability, mental health, etc.
504 Plan Procedure Requirements District Forms (Google Doc) Districts must first evaluate to determine whether the student qualifies for a 504 plan The 504 evaluation can not occur without written parent permission Parents must be given a copy of their rights The evaluation must be completed within 30 calendar days For those students already on a 504 within state or from out of state, SAT must review the plan Parent Cover Letter Consent to Evaluate * 504 Eligibility Determination (evaluation) Accommodation Plan Reviewed yearly Reevaluated every 3 years Manifestation Determination Occurs prior to disciplinary removal of 10 or more days or pattern of short term removals equally 10 or more days within a school year District’s 504 Coordinator is Tami Eshelman All copies of 504 plans need to be sent to Tami Eshelman. School psychologists can serve as consultants for the process, especially if they’ve completed testing apart of a MDT evaluation, however they are not in charge of the 504 plans, as this is a regular education building level responsibility.
Summary Myths about SAT Facts about SAT The way we get students tested for Special Education Services SAT does not provide support to struggling students My child cannot receive support including interventions unless they are in the SAT process SAT is a Special Education process A problem solving team is required by law for those students determined either to be at risk academically and/or behaviorally SAT pinpoints concerns and monitors specific interventions based on the student’s area of need SAT is based on a team approach generally composed of regular education staff with strong emphasis on parent involvement For initial evaluations, the evaluation must be completed within 45 school days from written consent.