Read and Identify
Definitions Narrative: A narrative is a story that describes a sequence of events. Narrator: The person or entity telling the story to the reader. Point of View: The vantage point, or “viewing angle,” of the narrator. Omniscient: “All Knowing.” It’s Latin: Omnis = All Sciens = Knowing
Author, Narrator, Reader: Author Writes A Story Narrator Tells that Story To the Reader! P.O.V.
The Narrator is a “Lens” Author Narrator Reader
Author, Narrator, Reader Or, in other words: The author doesn’t tell the story to the reader. The author creates a narrator that tells the story to the reader.
First-Person POV The narrator is a character in the story who: Refers to himself or herself as “I” within the narrative Tells the of events that happened to himself or herself Is limited by what they can see and hear Limits the reader to knowing only their personal opinions of events and other people
Third-Person Omniscient POV The narrator is not a character in the story, but an “all-knowing” omniscient being (or entity) that automatically knows: Everything that has happened in the story’s past Everything that is happening in the story right now Everything that happens anywhere in any place Everything that happens inside the minds of any character Everything that will happen in the story’s future
Third-Person Limited POV The narrator is not a character in the story, but a storyteller that hovers close to one character. The Third Person Limited narrator knows: Only what one character knows happened in the past Only what one character knows is happening right now Only what happens in that one character’s surroundings Only what happens in that one character’s mind Only what that character can guess will happen in the future
Summarize the Differences First Person – the narrator is a character in the story. Third Person – The narrator is NOT a character in the story. Limited – The narrator can only see some things, or one thing at a time. Omniscient – The narrator sees and knows everything all the time.
Summarize the Similarities FFirst Person & Third Person Limited BBoth tell the story from a limited vantage point. TThe reader gets limited information from one viewing angle in the story. IIn longer stories, the viewing angle can change, but the story is always told from one viewing angle at a time. TThird Person: Limited & Omniscient BBoth are NOT characters in the story, that’s why you call both of these “Third Person.”
Tell a Fractured Fairy Tale Get into writing teams of four. Pick a fairy tale to re-write. You ALL must participate in the process of re-telling this story. Write a new version from either Third Person Limited or First Person. Show how the different points of view make the stories different using the Venn Diagram. Good story suggestions: Hansel and Gretel Goldilocks and the Three Bears The Three Little Pigs Little Red Riding Hood Three Billy Goats Gruff Cinderella The Frog Prince