Safety Management of the LIU Project A. Funken Anne Funken, LIU PT 21/05/15.


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Presentation transcript:

Safety Management of the LIU Project A. Funken Anne Funken, LIU PT 21/05/15

PURPOSE OF THE SAFETY FILES According to the “Quality Procedure for Safety Documentation Management”, approved by the Management: “The purpose of a safety file is to demonstrate and document that a facility is being or has been designed respecting Safety principles and that it can be constructed, operated and then dismantled safely. A safety file addresses occupational health and safety (workers should not be injured or fall ill because of the facility or system i.e. sécurité in French), protection of the environment, facility integrity (the presence of the facility should not represent any uncontrolled hazard to people or the environment, i.e. sûreté in the French nuclear domain), as well as operational safety. A safety file provides relevant stakeholders (the management, contractors, operators and authorities) with a quality framework to effectively access all the documentation that is relevant for Safety.”

ORGANIZATION OF THE SAFETY DOCUMENTATION Machine Safety File Part 1 Descriptive Part 2 Demonstrative Part 3 Operational Part 4 REM LIU Safety File LIU SF WP1 LIU SF WP2 LIU SF WPn … The WP holder and/or equipment holder shall write a brief description of the facility/system Based on LIU ECR or TDR Part 1 WPx Descriptive The WP holder and/or equipment holder shall identify the hazards and risks, and detail the control measures taken to mitigate the risks Part 2 WPx Demonstrative The WP holder and/or equipment holder shall prepare the procedures required to operate and maintain the system or the facility, to dismantle it and dispose of its components safely Part 3 WPx Operational The WP holder and/or equipment holder shall compile the Safety documents which demonstrate the compliance: Test reports, certificate s of conformity, … Part 4 WPx REM Once the facility/system of WPx is in operation, the corresponding Safety Files become part of the Safety File of the corresponding machine. + LIU Safety Overview LIU SF WPx

ORGANIZATION OF THE SAFETY DOCUMENTATION Example of a LIU WP (lot de travaux) to be covered by a SF : the “New Injection region IL1” according to the ECR


STORAGE OF DOCUMENTATION: EDMS Project phase Operation phase

NEXT STEPS Identification of the LIU WPs which need a Safety File and a Launch Safety Agreement (LSA) covering the conventional safety aspects, identification of each WP responsible (PL, Activity Leaders, PSO and HSE). Presentation of the strategy for the safety documentation management in the LIU-Machine WG Meetings (PSO). Preparation of the safety steps timeline (PSO) : Launch Safety discussions, LSAs, the four parts of the Safety Files, safety inspections and safety clearance. Organisation of the Launch Safety Discussions with HSE to issue the LSAs (PSO). Start of the writing of the different parts of the Safety Files according to the timeline – need the contribution of the WP holder/equipment holder. Presentation of the templates for the LIU WP Safety Files to the forthcoming SF Editors Club on 1 st of June (PSO).


To ensure that during all project phases (simulations, design, prototyping, installation, commissioning, operation and dismantling) the present level of Safety for the people, the environment and the material:  Is maintained or,  Is improved whenever possible or required. To be demonstrated in the LIU Safety Files LIU SAFETY OBJECTIVES

LIU SAFETY STRUCTURE The Project Leader (PL) is responsible for Safety in the Project - Safety Regulation SR-SOSR-SO The PL is assisted by a Project Safety Officer (PSO) who oversees and coordinates Safety aspects of the Project: The PSO verifies that Safety aspects have been correctly considered within the different work packages, that the solutions proposed are consistent with the general Safety policy of the Project and that the Safety measures are correctly applied by the different work packages. The PSO verifies that there are no Safety issues arising at the interface between work packages. If this happens, he/she asks the relevant work packages to apply the appropriate measures. The work package Holders are responsible for proposing and applying the correct Safety measures for the work and equipment included in their work package. HSE produces the Launch Safety Agreement (LSA) for non radiological aspects and delivers the safety clearance. The Radiation Protection Group takes responsibility for all radiation protection aspects.

LIU SAFETY DOCUMENTATION A global Launch Safety Agreement (LSA) has been issued by HSE for LIU, (safety requirements and contents of the safety documentation per domain). 16/04/ In addition, dedicated LSA for each main work packages. Example for ‘Upgrade of the beam dump at LSS5 Global LSA for LIU (Version 2, January 2014)


Any modification (beam line or service) which might impact other equipment or space volume is subject to an Engineering Change Request (ECR) process with an appropriate approval procedure. The impact of the modification on Safety is also assessed. The ECR is used as a basis for editing the corresponding Safety File. Example LIU-PSB 9, “PSB Injection systems”

LIU SAFETY DOCUMENTATION Example LIU-PSB 9, “PSB Injection systems”,

LIU SAFETY DOCUMENTATION The safety documentation of each machine in operation is/will be composed of 4 main safety files (separate documents) :  Descriptive part Description of the project, goal, motivation Technical description of the facility and of its processes as relevant to overall safety aspects  Demonstrative part Identification of the hazards related to the facility Assessment of the risks induced by those hazards Inventory of the measures taken (technical and organizational) to remove or mitigate the risks to an acceptable level  Operational part Organization structures of operation, and maintenance of the facility Inventory of information notes, operational instructions and procedures related to safety  REM part (Records, Experience, Monitoring) Inventory of all feedbacks, inspections, safety reports, non-conformities, near-misses, incidents, accidents and experience gained

BEAM FACILITIES SAFETY DOCUMENTATION MachinePart I Descriptive Part II Demonstrative Part III Operational Part IV REM Editor Linac4EDMS EDMS EDMS EDMS EDMS A. Funken PSBEDMS EDMS EDMS EDMS I. Kobzeva PSEDMS EDMS EDMS EDMS I. Kobzeva SPSRGE/RPS documents: to be reorganized according to “Quality Procedure for Safety Documentation Management” F. Pirotte Linac3 BE LEIREDMS EDMS EDMS I. Kobzeva For Linac4, the Safety Overview document EDMS has already been presented to the ASN/OFSP in Homologation is ongoing. Safety Documentation will be updated at least once a year or more often in case of substantial changes.