Apprenticeships with Creative and Cultural Industries Trading Limited (CCITL)
Overview QuestionsAnswers Who are CCITL?Creative and Cultural Industries Trading Limited (CCITL for short) is an ‘Apprenticeship Training Provider’ and part of Creative & Cultural Skills, the ‘Sector Skills Council’ for the UK’s creative and cultural industries. Visit for background What’s an apprenticeship? Apprenticeships combine practical training in a job with study. While working as an apprentice you can gain a set of work-based qualifications (these are Government Funded) mapped to specific occupations and valued by employers across the UK. Apprenticeships come in a range of Levels: Intermediate (Level 2) - equivalent to 5 GCSE passes Advanced (Level 3) - equivalent to 2 A level passes Higher (Level 4) - lead to NVQ Level 4 and above or a Foundation Degree Who recognises apprenticeships? Employers across the UK recognise apprenticeships. That’s because they are designed using National Occupational Standards, that define what employees must be able to do in respect to a specific occupation / job role, how well they perform, and in what circumstances to demonstrate their competence Level 2 & 3 Apprenticeships offered by CCITL Community Arts; Cultural Venue Operations; Live Events; Technical Theatre (Stage, Lighting & Sound); Business Administration; Customer Service. All at Level 2 & 3
Overview QuestionsAnswers What are the core characteristics of work-based qualifications? Based on analysis of work roles in terms of what functions need to be performed within the role Focuses on the ability to do the job competently Measures and assesses whether someone can perform competently within their particular role Ensures up-to-date knowledge and provides accreditation of current ability Who is involved? The employer (the company hiring the apprentice) The employer’s mentor The apprentice (as an employee of the company ) The Training Provider (Assessors; Tutors; Training Advisors) Verifiers (Internal and External) Awarding Body Government Inspectors (Ofsted) How are the qualifications within an apprenticeship structured? The qualifications within an apprenticeship are: Competency Qualification Knowledge Qualification Note: Some apprenticeships combine the competency and knowledge quals; such as in the BTEC Diploma in Business Administration apprenticeship. Functional Skills Qualifications (e.g. Maths, English, ICT). Test at the end of each
Overview QuestionsAnswers How are the qualifications structured (continued)? The competency and knowledge (or combined) qualifications in an apprenticeship framework are QCF qualifications (Qualifications and Credit Framework). Qualifications that use the QCF are made up of units. Each unit has a credit value which tells you how many credits are awarded when a unit is completed. The credit value also gives an indication of how long it will normally take you to prepare for a unit or qualification. One credit will usually take you 10 hours of learning (which includes the assessment of evidence submitted by the apprentice). Units build up to qualifications. There are three different types of qualification in the QCF: Award, Certificate and Diploma. You can achieve an Award with 1 to 12 credits; for a Certificate you will need 13 – 36 credits and for a Diploma you will need at least 37 credits. Units and qualifications are each given a level according to their difficulty, from entry level to level 8. The title of a qualification will tell you its size and level. CCITL work with each employer to select the units of most relevance to their business and the occupational role they wish the apprentice to undertake. What qualifications make up the Business Administration Apprenticeship? BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Business Administration (QCF: ) plus Functional Skills qualifications if applicable (Level 1 in: Maths, English and ICT) BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration (QCF: ) plus Functional Skills qualifications if applicable (Level 2 in: Maths, English and ICT)
Overview QuestionsAnswers How does CCITL deliver their apprenticeship qualifications? Competency qualifications are delivered using City & Guilds ePortfolio ‘Learning Assistant’. (see box below) CCITL provide each apprentice with a Tablet PC. This enables each apprentice to log in to their ePortfolio ; see selected units; engage with their Assessors and Tutors; submit evidence specific to each unit and receive feedback from their Assessors / Tutors– who then judge the evidence submitted as having met the required standard. All competency units are internally assessed by CCITL. Knowledge qualifications are delivered using City & Guilds ePortfolio ‘Learning Assistant’. And CCITL’s ‘Learner Management System’ ‘Moodle’ (see box below) To pass each unit the apprentice must achieve ALL specified leaning outcomes within a unit and satisfy ALL assessment criteria by providing sufficient and valid evidence for each criterion. What’s ePortfolio and ‘Learning Assistant’? Provided by City & Guilds ‘Learning Assistant’ is an online tool which enables the apprentice to upload evidence against specified units and allows Assessors, Tutors and Verifiers to judge such evidence against the qualifications assessment criteria What’s ‘Moodle’? CCITL have a dedicated ‘Moodle’ interactive website This acts as an online classroom, where apprentices can see schemes of work, lesson plans and complete Tutor set course work specific to units within the Knowledge and Functional Skills qualifications. Completed work in Moodle enables the apprentice to demonstrate that they are able to apply what they have learnt to their day-to-day job role. Such evidence can also be added to their ePortfolio.
Completing Induction Area coveredRelated documents 1) Information Advice & Guidance CCITL – IAG Form - Version: Sept 2014 v1 2) Individual Training Needs Analysis (TNA) 3) Employer Health & Safety checkEmployer Health & Safety Questionnaire – Taking on an Apprentice Skills Funding Agency - Be Safe (An Intro guide to H&S) June ) Apprenticeship AgreementSkills CFA ‘Employee Rights and Responsibilities booklet (page 4) 5) CCITL Apprentice HandbookHandbook - Version Sept 2014 v1 6) Individual Learning Plan (ILPILP - Version Sept 2014 v1 7) Initial AssessmentBSA IA; Diagnostic (Maths; English and ICT) 8) Programme ContentHandbook - Version Sept 2014 v1 9) ReviewsHandbook - Version Sept 2014 v1 10) Equal OpportunityLearner Voice – Equality and Diversity – What’s that then? (June 2008) 11) Disciplinary & Grievance ProceduresHandbook - Version Sept 2014 v1 12) SafeguardingCCITL – Safeguarding Policy (v1) 13) AppealsHandbook - Version Sept 2014 v1 14) Data ProtectionHandbook - Version Sept 2014 v1 15) SignaturesSEColl paperwork; Apprentice Handbook (Appendix A: SLA’s) 16) Discuss unit selectionSpecific qualification standards
What now? StepsWhat happens?Timescale 1)Paperwork completed and Apprentice file created We take the completed paperwork from your Induction and add these to CCITL’s systems 2-3 days following induction 2) Apprentice’s Moodle and Learning Assistant accounts created We set up your login and password details on to our systems 2-3 days following induction 3) Apprentice visits Learning Assistant demo site Before we let you loose we’d like you to check out the Learning Assistant demo site and watch the videos. Username: Stephen Password: password1 Within 1 week of induction 4) Mark your Initial Assessment and Diagnostics When we know what level you are currently at we can begin to tailor your course material to meet your needs Within 1-2 weeks following induction 5) Pick your Apprenticeship Level and pick the competency and knowledge optional units Your employer will work with you to select the units most relevant to your job role and your level Within 1-2 weeks following induction 6) Assign your Assessor and Functional Skills Tutor You will be assigned an Assessor for your competency and knowledge components of your apprenticeship and a separate Tutor for your Functional Skills Within 1-2 weeks following induction 7) Deliver your 7” Tablet PC We will set up your tablet with the Learning Assistant app and the Moodle shortcut and provide you with logins and passwords to both. We’ll also install Google Hangouts – for face-to-face meetings with your assessor / tutor Within 2-3 weeks following induction 8) Register you on to your apprenticeship qualifications and deliver your Tablet PC CCITL will register you with the Awarding Body (in this case Pearson Education (EDI) Within 4-6 weeks following induction 9) Arrange a visit and review your progress A CCITL Training Advisor will arrange (through your employer) to visit you, review your progress to date and generally see how you are getting on With 6-8 weeks following induction
What now? StepsWhat happens?Timescale 10) Are you aware of the support available to you? The government offers support to people in a number of different circumstances that you may face during your apprenticeship. You should be aware of how to find this support should you need it. Please follow the link on the Moodle site and familiarise yourself with the support available. (Moodle\Useful Documents and links for apprentices\Support) Immediately
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