Class Teacher Ansa Irfan The City School, Jr. Section, PAF Chapter
“The average teacher explains complexity, the gifted teacher reveals simplicity.”
Students should learn about the basic structures of language and how it can be manipulated. Will be able to use language in communicative situations. A student will become a better person through learning another language.
To understand how paragraphs are used to organize ideas. They will be able to choose and compare words to strengthen the impact of writing, including some powerful words. Will learn to deal politely with opposing point of views. Will identify the main features of persuasive writing. To plan an advertising campaign which includes a range of advertisements of different types.
Grade : 4 Topic : Creative writing: Planning and writing a story. Persuasive Letter. Planning and writing an advertisement. Flyer. Grammar: Double negatives. Proper Adjectives. Occupations. Words with more than one meaning. Idioms. Metaphors. Content : explanation, discussion, group and peer activities, Skills : Drawing, reading, comprehending, understanding,listening..
The objectives will be listed on the board for the student’s knowledge so that they can understand what they will achieve by the end of the lesson.objectives Introduce the appropriate vocabulary related to the topicvocabulary I will gauge their understanding by asking questions from the text. I will provide an opportunity to the students to work in groups to do the activities that are planned. Later taking feedback from each group.activities Students will be encouraged to use Microsoft wordMicrosoft word for writing an autobiography
Challenges: Boys and girls may not wish to work together. Less resources available in a class for a lesson. Noise level may increase when students working in groups. The weak students may not be able to understand a topic in one class. Solutions: I will change my strategy of forming groups every lesson. Sometimes, they will be allowed to work in peers(friends). Resources will be shared amongst students. Some of them can work together and the rest can be assisted by the teacher. Extra worksheets will be designed for such students and extra guidance/support will be rendered by the teacher. Extra worksheets
Time Line ( March, April) 1 st week Double negatives. Proper adjectives. Occupations. Punctuation 2 nd week Planning and writing a story. Persuasive letter. 3 rd week words with more than one meaning. Idioms. Metaphors. 4 th week Flyer. Planning and writing an advertisement.
CRS ENGLISH WORKSHEET 2 Q. Use the appropriate punctuation marks for the following sentences. 1. the three pound bass which was the biggest fish i ever caught tasted delicious 2. oh no jean yelled why didn't you tell me I’m late 3. I’m a catholic and that’s why i go to St. joseph’s school 4. i don’t think my dads hat will fit me 5. do you know how to ride a bicycle 6. i don’t believe you he said you never tell the truth 7. I’ve had enough of your silly wild and inappropriate behavior 8. the places i like to visit are as follows italy france and canada
English Curriculum. Pupil book, Junior English book. Microsoft word. Internet.
Peer Work
Group Work
“More important than the curriculum is the question of the methods of teaching and the spirit in which the teaching is given.” ( Bertrand Russell)
“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” (William Arthur)