The German Research Landscape and Funding Opportunities Academia Sinica, Taipei, 18 June 2012 Dr. Stefanie Eschenlohr ( 徐言 ) German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Taipei
Most important – more information Research Portal: launched by German Ministry of Education & Research (BMBF), provides an comprehensive overview on German Research Landscape Subscribe to Research in Germany Newsletter Bi-monthly with news and information on the latest developments in German science and research. Online and print version (click Subscribe to DAAD-Taiwan Newsletter 3 -4x a year with news and information on Taiwan-German cooperation; mailing list for calls, new programm information etc.
Europe – experience cultural diversity Visa-free access to all other Schengen countries Excellent education/research at comparatively low costs Germany – the heart of Europe!
Content The German Research Landscape Current Developments in Science and Research Funding Opportunities
The German Research Landscape Research at institutions of Higher Education Non-university research facilities Industrial research Different players
Higher Education Institutions Institutions of Higher Education 105 universities (including Technical Universities ) 211 Universities of Applied Sciences (only applied research in close cooperation with industry ) Features of German universities Unity of research and teaching Broad range of subjects Theoretical orientation of research German institutions are mostly “public” ( 國立 ) and administered by the 16 “Laender”. Source: Federal Statistical Office (May, 2011)
There is no Federal Ministry of Education German universities enjoy high degree of autonomy Rules and regulations differ from state to state and university to university! Tution fees for first degree only in Bavaria and Niedersachsen Higher Education Institutions Education in Germany is administered by the individual federal states!
German research universities – a word on global rankings German universities don‘t rank top in international rankings: THEWUR 2010: U Goettingen 43, LMU Muenchen 61, Heidelberg 83; 14 German universities among „top 200“ (71 USA, 29 UK, 11 Netherlands) ARWU 2010: LMU Muenchen 52, TU Muenchen 56, Heidelberg 63, Goettingen/Bonn 93 39 German universities among top 500
German research universities – a word on global rankings A few comments: Rankings focus on whole institutions not on fields; German institutions often have strengths in some specialized areas Non-university research is not included in rankings. 16 Nobel-Prize from Max Planck-Institutes since 1948; 35 MPG-researchers are included in ISI-list of most cited scientists. Only publications in English language in internationally refereed journals are considered (Engineering, social sciences often published in German) Germany is a leading nation in patents and export of high-tech products
German Universities - National Research Rankings German University Research/Excellence Ranking: Project CHE Excellence Ranking: a university ranking for a selected group of European universities for the subjects: biology, chemistry, economy, psychology, Math, physics, political Science Humboldt-Foundation Ranking (Ranking of German universities/ research institutions that are most attractive to Humboldtians international scientists) htmlhttp:// html DFG-Funding Ranking (based on DFG-funding granted to universities)For institutions and specific subject areas.
Excellent non-university research institutions Max Planck Society Helmholtz Association of National Research Centres Leibniz Association Fraunhofer Gesellschaft
Max Planck Society The Max Planck Society (MPG) is an independent, non-profit research organisation named after the world-famous physicist Max Planck (1858– 1947). With its focus on basic research in the natural sciences and humanities, the MPG complements research projects at universities. The MPG is well- known for its excellence in research. Seventeen scientists at the MPG have received the Nobel Prize. Facts and Figures: 80 institutes and research centres Staff: 16,873 Budget: 1.5 billion € Research budget (Source: MPG) Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine in Münster Excellent non-university research institutions
Helmholtz Association of National Research Centres The Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres provides top scientific achievements to society, science and industry for addressing the major challenges of today. The Helmholtz Association is the largest scientific organisation in Germany. Its work follows the tradition of the great natural scientist Hermann von Helmholtz (1821–1894). Scientists in 18 Helmholtz Centres work on a wide variety of topics in areas ranging from health, the environment and energy to fundamental research such as elementary particlephysics. Facts and Figures 18 research centres Staff: 31,745 Budget: 3.4 billion € Research Budget (Source: Helmholtz) Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY A Research Centre of the Helmholtz Association Excellent non-university research institutions
Fraunhofer Gesellschaft Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics (ITWM) Kaiserslautern The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft conducts applied research for both private and public enterprises, as well as for the general benefit of the public. The association takes its name from Joseph von Fraunhofer (1787– 1826), the illustrious Munich researcher, inventor and entrepreneur. The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft is the largest organisation for applied research in Europe. It conducts research under contract for industry, the service sector and public administration and also offers information and services. Facts and Figures 80 research facilities Staff: 18,000 Budget: 1.6 billion € Research Budget (Source: Fraunhofer) Excellent non-university research institutions
Leibniz Association The Leibniz Association is the umbrella organisation for 86 research institutions which address scientific issues of importance to society as a whole. The Leibniz Institutes conduct research and provide infrastructure for science and research and perform research-based services – liaison, consultation, transfer – for the public, policy-makers, academia and business. The Berlin Museum for Natural History (Museum für Naturkunde), one of the ten largest scientific collections in the world, is a prominent example of a Leibniz Association member. Facts and Figures: 86 institutes and research facilities Staff: 16,800 Budget: 1.4 billion € Research Budget (Source: Leibniz)Research Institute and Museum for Natural History Berlin Excellent non-university research institutions
Federal research institutions/ Departmental research (40 institutes funded by the Federal Ministries, staff: 19,000) “Länder” institutions (118 research organisations funded by Germany’s federal states/“Länder”, staff: 4,000) Academies of Science (about 10 publicly funded organisations) Excellent non-university research institutions
Intensive Industrial Research Almost 70% of the research investments in Germany are spent by the industrial sector (approx. 45 billion euros) Numerous industrial research facilities and companies are closely cooperating with universities and other research institutions (networks and clusters) The German Federation of Industrial Research Associations (AiF) promotes research and development in all industry sectors Industries strong in research: Automobile industry, electrical engineering, chemical industry and mechanical engineering
Expenditure on Research and Development Research expenditure 2009 (in total): 66,7 billion euros Universities Industry 67,5 % 17,6 % Source: Federal Statistical Office (preliminary numbers for 2009)
Basic and Applied Research Applied Research Basic Research Public Funding Private Funding Max Planck Society Leibniz Association Helmholtz Association Fraunhofer- Gesellschaft Industry Universities
Content 1. The German Research Landscape – Overview 2. Current Developments in Science and Research
High-Tech-Strategie launched by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research … to encourage the development of lead markets, enhance cooperation between science and industry, and improve framework conditions for innovations Definition of 5 lead markets and priorities Climate and Energy Health and Nutrition Mobility Security Communications Current Developments in Science and Research
Source: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) Current Developments in Science and Research Which projects are currently funded by DFG? Get an overview on Clusters of Excellence, Research Centres, Collaborative Research Centres, Research Training Groups …. 20 new Collaborative Research Centres were established in May 2012, e.g: And more …
Current Developments in Research and Science Objectives: Promote top-level research Improve the quality of German universities and research institutions Increase Germany’s international competitiveness Financial background: Total of 1.9 billion euros in the first programme phase between 2006 and 2012 A further 2.7 billion euros in the second phase until 2017 Source: German research Foundation (DFG) Excellence Initiative
9 German universities with excellent future concepts LMU Munich TU Munich Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Free University of Berlin RWTH Aachen University of Göttingen University of Heidelberg University of Freiburg University of Konstanz
Excellence Initiative 3 project-oriented funding lines: Research schools for young scientists offering structured PhD programmes in excellent research environments 39 graduate schools Excellence clusters establishing internationally visible and competitive research beacons at universities 37 excellence clusters Future concepts for top-class research at universities to further enhance the profile of the selected universities 9 future concepts Source: German research Foundation (DFG)
Content Funding Opportunities Current Developments in Science and Research The German Research Landscape