Victor Henry MOREHOUSE 30/08/ /1/84 My Great Grandfather, Victor Henry Morehouse was born on 30 th August 1920 in Hurstville NSW.
He served in World War 2. He was conscripted (which means he didn’t choose to go to war but the Government made him) and was sent to New Guinea and to Bougainville.
Taken in front of their barracks before leaving Australia
He was ranked a Sapper and worked in the army as a Carpenter as that was what he was working as before they sent him to war. My grandfather working in the muddy conditions of New Guinea. You can see the Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels in the back ground.
He served in the Army from 5 th June 1941 and was discharged on 22 nd Feb 1946
During his time in the Army he was awarded several service medals They were awarded for: The Pacific Star - For service in New Guinea from 7 March 1942 to 2 September 1945 The Australian Service Medal - recognises non-warlike service prior to February /45 Star : 180 days of operational service The War Medal - full-time personnel of the armed forces for serving for 28 days of service
This was the first time he met his daughter Carol (my Nanna) as she was born in 1944 when he was oversea at war. In August 1942 he took leave to get married, he then took additional days without permission to go on his honeymoon and was classified AWOL (Absent Without Leave).
After being discharged from the Army in February 1946 he continued his trade as a carpenter and had another 2 children. He passed away at age 64 on the 27 th January LEST WE FORGET