Ryan Lawson Jacob Cockrell Lauren Hamilton
Audited 12 stores Wal Mart, Target, Harp’s, Colliers, Wal Mart Neighborhood Market, Walgreens Supplier is in control No private label
Relative Sales- up 5.7% change from year before Size- $288.1 mil Penetration- <20% use condoms Suggestion- Because price is directly related to quality (which is the most significant factor in the industry), being the premium brand of condom or second most premium brand is substantial enough to develop a dominant market share in the industry.
Fayetteville: Wal-Mart -Joyce Wal-Mart -6 th Street Walgreens -Joyce Harps -Wedington Harps – Crossover Neighborhood Market – Rob Neighborhood Market - Target Collier’s Rogers: Wal-Mart – Pleasant Grove Bentonville: Wal-Mart Walgreens
Store# of SKU’s% of Category WMJ % WM % WMBV % WMPG % WLGNBV278.44% WLGNJ288.75% HARPSW51.56% HARPSCR51.56% NHM (R)237.19% NHM299.06% TARGET185.63% Collier’s %
1 st group to do condoms… (no previous data) Wal Mart recently set up an end cap for condoms and birth control
Brand# of SKU’s% of Category Trojan4563.4% LifeStyles912.7% Durex1622.5% Kimono11.4% 71 SKU’s were discovered in the audit. Trojan had the most SKU’s with 45. There were 3 other brands found that had a total of 26 SKU’s. The suppliers are in control of the category.
Dominant Brand Trojan Other Brands Lifestyles Durex Kimono
Had to adjust the GM for non-leading brands in stores other than Wal Mart
A fast and easy way to propel your brand to the top in this industry is by obtaining a few more facings than your competitors since this is a quickly purchased product.
Harp’s could increase # of SKUs Add Durex or Lifestyles Extend their Trojan assortment Walgreens prices are about 30-40% higher than Wal Mart Could be more competitive No need for Private Label Negative consumer response
As a category manager, one would assume that having dominant brands such as Trojan and Durex would be a must. Because of the very types offered by each supplier, the number of facings you offer per SKU must be relatively low so that you can offer each and every SKU. The condom industry is a constant source of innovation with new styles and types of condoms being introduced every day. Due to the perceived quality by consumers, private labels have no place in this category.