International Engineering Program Overview Transfer Plan Agreements - from Community Colleges to URI 's International Engineering Program Lexington, KY Nov. 6-9, 2013 Dr. Sigrid Berka Executive Director
International URI 5-year Dual Bachelor Degree B.S. in an engineering discipline B.A. in foreign language Semester study abroad 6-month paid internship abroad
Five-year Dual Degree Program Bachelor of Science in Engineering Biomedical Chemical Civil Computer Electrical Industrial Mechanical Ocean
Bachelor of Arts in Foreign Language Chinese French German Spanish* Italian *Minor in Portuguese in preparation Five-year Dual Degree Program
Senior Year: Semester Abroad at a Partner University China -Zhejiang University France - Université de Technologie de Compiègne Germany - TU-Braunschweig Mexico - ITESM Monterrey & Toluca Campuses Spain - Universidades de Zaragoza, Navarra, & Cantabria Italy – Universidad de Calabria Chile – Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile* coming soon
Filling the Pipeline
Transfer Plan Agreements New this year: SUNY Adirondack Community College: From Two Year Engineering Science Association to engineering schools in NY and selected other schools > Associate of Science transfer degree From A.S. in Engineering Science to B.S. in engineering discipline (MCE, CME, BME etc.) From 1-2 yrs. of language courses to B.A. in CHN, FRN, GER, SPA Existing transfer plans with: Community College Rhode Island Rhode Island College
Transfer Plan Agreements – What’s in it for URI? Create more diversity in your program by offering a career path for lower income students Fill the Pipeline with bright and motivated students Gain visibility for students who would normally not consider continuing education at research university in different state Leverage engineering/language education preparation at CCs Leverage resources from within the State (CCRI/URI) and between States (SUNY Adirondack, SUNY Rockford/URI)
What’s in it for Community Colleges? Open up career pathway for CC graduates Provide CC students an incentive and purpose to excel – access to study abroad/company network CCs stand out if they align themselves with attractive international programs at research universities CCs may attract more motivated students who choose CC with IEP/URI in mind CCs can save resources by joining a partner who has made the investment they cannot afford
What’s in it for both? At 2013 workshop, Clay Pell, Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of International and Foreign Language Education (IFLE) at Office of Postsecondary Education (DOE) called for paradigm shift in funding policy: “Funding RFPs from DOE will increasingly request coordination & inclusion of underrepresented students and institutions to integrate efforts”
Making it work Create course equivalencies and sequences for each engineering major and each language major Create clear curriculum transfer plans for the languages/ for engineering majors (handouts) Offer ways for "new-comers" to get started and for late-comers to catch up (through summer schools where they can bridge a whole year of courses)
Transferring from high school IEP track IEP is assisting NKHS to create a professional track (engineering, health, business, digital design) which leads directly to the IEP and other professional programs at URI CCRI also offers blended learning opportunities for highschoolers Industry involvement - local industry needs A) engineering work force with language skills B) multi-lingual manufacturing talent directly recruited from high school
How to make it work? Upon graduation from high school: –By incentivizing starting "high" ( in Ger 205 receiving retroactive credit for Ger 104) While still at high school: –By making university-level courses affordable (e.g. URI Confucius Institute offered CHN 101 for high school students for $190 for 3 credits)
How did the NKHS/IEP track come about? German was threatened at NKSH ( only public school in RI with a German program) Letter campaign from IEP and DOL representatives Business incubator meeting at Hexagon Metrology convinced superintendents, World Language Departments, principals and other stake holders in RI that there is a need for a multi-lingual workforce right in their neighborhood
Industry involvement Need for multilingual workforce right in Quonset industrial Park, next to NKHS Example Supfina -- doubling its size and work force in RI through recruitment of German IEP graduates German was not discontinued at NKHS, instead IEP tracks were created – NKHS won RIDE grant Local companies offer workshops, job shadowing, summer school scholarships for IEP/manufacturing track
APC/Schneider Electric FIEP BASF GIEP also TX, LA Bayer GIEP & CIEP also PA BMW GIEP also SC, NJ Continental AG GIEP & CIEP Daimler AG GIEP also OH, NC Hasbro CIEP Hexagon GIEP & CIEP Hilti GIEP IDOM SIEP Lufthansa Technik AG GIEP MTU Aero Eng GIEP Nokia Siemens CIEP Pentair GIEP SAP GIEP Sensata SIEP & CIEP Siemens AG GIEP also all 50 states STMicroelectronics FIEP Supfina Machine Co. GIEP Toray Plastics America FIEP Thyssen Krupp GIEP TRW SIEP & GIEP Volkswagen AG GIEP also TN ZF Friedrichshafen AG GIEP also IL IEP Corporate Partners (the complete list of 80 companies are at Red denotes a RI, CT or MA Business Connection
Career Path Ruben Auer CIEP & MCE ‘13 Summer after 3 rd year Internship with Sensata Technologies in Attleboro, Massachusetts Fall of 4 th year Studying mechanical engineering at Zhejiang University in Hangzhou Spring of 4 th year Internship with Sensata Technologies in Changzhou, China 5 th URI Position at Sensata Technologies 2013
IEP Stats –Can CC pipeline help improve diversity and spike enrollment? 318 ( ) ~ 400 Undergrad IEPers ( ) ~ 25% of all engineering undergrads are IEP ~ 30 % are women ~ 16 % minority representation ~ 8% GIEP, 11% FIEP, 7 % CIEP, 30 % SIEP
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