Sara Hsu
Poverty measurement has changed from one of relative income gaps to multidimensional indices of poverty. Poor are socially constructed phenomenon. Transient poor are those who can be classified as poor in some periods and not in others. Ravallion (1988) finds an expected value of a poverty measure which results from changes in a welfare indicator. Inequality persists due to credit market imperfections. Quality of institutions impact distribution and vice versa.
Home to 20% of world’s poorest Found in rural areas, lower castes Child malnutrition Farmer suicides Agricultural policies Land redistribution Poverty reduction hard to determine from data
Growth has been concentrated in skilled sectors Rural casual labor Gini coefficient
Problem with reported statistics Rural phenomenon Urban phenomenon (rural migrants) Thin land markets
Communism and equality Issue in nineties with privatization Inland-coastal disparity Government policies
No official poverty line Fifth highest poverty rate in OECD Unemployment as strong cause Homeless cannot receive public assistance with no home!
Increasing inequality, early 20 th century Lagging productivity in rural sector Relatively equal from WWII through 1970s Increase in inequality in 1980s Aging society
India: Integrated Rural Development Program Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY) National Rural Employment Program Rural Landless Employment Guarantee Programs National Social Assistance Program China Households responsibility System Targeting poor counties “Food for Work” “Grain for Green” Minimum Living Standard Japan Public Assistance
Poverty in India is highest, second highest in China, and low but significant in Japan Poverty alleviation policies have sought to reduce poverty in all three countries, with varying levels of success.
India’s poorest state is Bihar in the North. Most of the population lives in rural areas and focuses on agriculture. Industry is very small. The state is attempting to get over its image as a “failed state” in the eyes of many.