Horticulture I Objective 17.00 Plant Identification Horticulture I Objective 17.00
Abelia X Grandiflora Glossy Abelia Deciduous shrub 3-6 feet tall and 3-6 feet wide Pinkish to white fragrant flowers Attracts butterflies Used in the landscape, often in hedges
Acer palmatum Japanese Maple Deciduous Tree Height: 15-25 feet; Width: 10-25 feet Leaves are green during the summer; yellow, bronze, purple or red in the fall Used to add layers to the landscape.
Acer rubrum Red Maple Deciduous Tree Height 40-70 feet Summer leaves are green or gray; Fall leaves range from greenish yellow, to red, to burgundy. Used for shade in the landscape.
Ageratum mexicanum Ageratum Container plant- Annual Height: 6-8 inches; Width: 8 inches Magenta or Red Flowers Used in edging, mass plantings or containers
Ajuga reptans Ajuga Semi-Evergreen groundcover Height: 2-4 inches Leaves can be light to dark green, brownish, purple, bronze or verigated. Flowers are small and blue, white, pink or purple depending on cultivar.
Aracaria heterophylla Norfolk Island Pine Evergreen tree Height: Over 40 ft; Width: 20-25 feet Looks like a Christmas Tree Often used indoors during Christmas time; Can be used in the landscape as a part of a hedge row or specimen plant.
Asparagus densiflorus ‘Sprengeri’ Sprengeri Fern Container plant Height: 12-24 inches; Width: 3 ft. Looks fern like with delicate feather like leaves and thorns. Good in hanging baskets, or as a groundcover.
Aucuba japonica Japanese Aucuba Evergreen Shrub Height: 6-10 feet; Width: 4-6 feet 3-8 inch leathery leaves Used in the landscape for it’s foliage
Begonia X semperflorens-cultorum Wax Begonia Container plant- Annual Height:6-15 inches; Width: 6-15 inches Glossy, thick, succulent leaves Showy flowers from June until frost
Berberis thunbergii Japanese Barberry Deciduous Shrub 3-6 feet tall Summer leaves: Bright green; Fall leaves: orange, red or purple. Used in the landscape in mass plantings, hedges, and borders
Betula nigra River Birch Deciduous Tree 50-70 feet tall Multi-stemmed tree with ornate peeling bark. Tree drops leaves quickly in the fall.
Buxus sempervirens Common Boxwood Evergreen Shrub Height and Width 15-20 feet Dark to light green leaves (new growth) with smooth margins. Used in mass plantings or hedges.
Canna X generalis Canna Single large showy flower 24-48 inches high Large showy colorful flower Provide splashes of color in the landscape, with tropical looking foliage.
Cercis canadensis Eastern Red Bud/ Judas Tree Deciduous tree Height 20-30 feet; Width 25-35 feet Bronze or medium green heart shaped leaves; slowly turning green. Small pink/lavender flowers in spring Used in the landscape as group or specimen planting.
Chlorophytum comosum cv. Spider Plant Container Plant 8-18 inches tall Often used indoors or outdoors in hanging baskets.
Chrysanthemum morifolium Florist Chrysanthemum Container plant- Annual 1-3 ft. tall and wide Often used in the landscape for seasonal color, or indoors for added color. This plant flowers in the fall. Flowers are large and showy. Can be pink, purple, red, lavender, yellow or orange.
Chrysanthemum superbum Shasta Daisy Perennial Plant Height: 12-36 inches Flowers are showy, and are white with yellow centers. Popular for perennial borders, or cut flowers in vases.
Coleus X hybridus Coleus Annual plant Height 8-20 inches; Width 6-10 inches Used in the landscape or in containers for it’s colorful foliage. Colors and leaf textures vary widely.
Cornus florida Flowering Dogwood Deciduous Tree 30 feet tall and wide 3-6 inch green leaves in summer; showy red leaves fall Flowers are small and yellow or white Used in the landscape alone or in a grouping.
X Cupressocyparis leylandii Leyland Cypress Evergreen Tree Height: 60-90 feet; Width: 12-15 feet Bluish green needles Fast growing tree often used in the landscape as a screen.
Dieffenbachia maculata Dumbcane Tropical plant (Annual in our climate) 6-8 feet tall Grown for it’s leaves (Large green leaves with white patterns) Often grown in containers indoors
Epipremnum aureum cv. Golden Pothos Evergreen vine Very invasive in the wild Heart shaped leaves Often used as a house plant
Euonymus alata Winged Euonymus Deciduous Shrub 15-20 feet tall and wide Dark green summer leaves; bright red fall leaves Used as a foundation planting (around houses, in a group, or on a border)
Euonymus japonica ‘Veriegata’ Evergreen Euonymus Evergreen Shrub Height: 10-15 feet; Width: 5-6 feet Greenish white flowers 1-3 inch dark green waxy leaves Used in hedge rows. Often in formal gardens
Euphorbia pulcherrima cv. Poinsettia Deciduous Shrub (Often seen as a container plant) 2-16 feet tall Large green leaves (3-6 inches long) that turn red, white, cream, pink, or marbled. This is what is often called the “Flower”.
Ficus benjamina Weeping Fig Evergreen tree Can reach over 95 feet tall Gracefully drooping branches and leaves that are dark green, glossy, and 2-5 inches long. Often used indoors, but can be part of the outdoor landscape.
Ficus elastica ‘Decora’ Decora Rubber Plant Tropical Tree (Often used indoors) 30-40 feet tall Grown for it’s leaves, which are large, dark green, and leathery. Most suitable for growing indoors in our climate.
Forsythia X intermedia Border Forsythia Deciduous Shrub Height: 8-10 feet; Width: 10-12 feet Showy yellow flowers in spring 3-5 inch long, dark green leaves Used in the landscape as a shrub border, or mass planting.
Hedera helix English Ivy Evergreen Vine Dark green leaves with white veins. Used in the landscape as a groundcover, wall cover, or in shady locations
Hemerocallis cv. Day Lily Perennial Plant About 2 feet tall Add seasonal color to the landscape with large showy flowers. Flowers are present for 24 hours, then replaced by another flower, hence the name Day Lily.
Hosta sp. Hosta Perennial Plant 1-18 inches long, and 1-12 inches broad Large green or green and white leaves Small white fragrant flowers Used in the landscape as a shade tolerant ground cover.
Ilex X attenuata ‘Fosteri’ Fosteri Holly Evergreen Shrub or Tree Height: 20-30 feet; Width: 10-20 feet Waxy evergreen leaf with spines Used in the landscape as a tall hedge, or specimen tree
Ilex cornuta ‘Dwarf Burford’ Dward Burford Holly Evergreen shrub Reaches 6 feet tall Small red fruit Leaves are waxy with smooth edges and one spine Used in the landscape as a foundation planting or small screen
Ilex crenata ‘Helleri’ Helleri Holly Evergreen shrub Height: 2-3 feet; Width: 3-4 feet Small black fruit Glossy green leaves with one spine Used in the landscape as a foundation planting, or as a hedge row
Ilex vomitoria ‘Nana’ Dwarf Yaupon Evergreen Shrub Height and Width: 3-5 feet White flowers produce small red berries Dark green oval shaped, crenate leaf; new growth is yellowish green. Often used in the landscape as a hedge row.
Impatiens Impatiens There are about 1,000 species of this flowering plant Height and Width 9-20 inches Flowers up to 2 inches in diameter; Colors range from white, pink, salmon, purple, orange or red. Often used in containers, or in the landscape to add seasonal color.
Iris X germanica var. florentive Bearded Iris Plant Height: 24 inches; Width: 15 inches Large white flowers Swordlike leaves Often used in the landscape in large groupings
Juniperus conferta Shore Juniper Evergreen Shrub Height: 1-2 feet; Width: 6-9 feet Gray-green, or blue-green needle like leaves Produces small cones Used in the landscape as a fast growing ground cover
Juniperus horizontalis ‘Plumosa’ Creeing Juniper Evergreen Shrub Height: 1-2 feet; Width: 8-10 feet Green to blue-green needlelike leaves Used in the landscape as a groundcover.
Lagerstroemia indica cv. Crape Myrtle Deciduous Tree Height ranges from 18 inches to 40 feet Flower clusters are large and showy. Colors range from white, pink, purple, lavender and red. Exfoliating (peeley) bark; multi-stemmed trunk. Used in the landscape as a specimen or as part of a grouping.
Ligustrum japonicum Japanese Privet Evergreen shrub or small tree Height: 6-12 feet Glossy dark green leaves White flower clusters Used in the landscape as a hedge, or as a multi stemmed tree.
Liquidambar styraciflua Sweetgum Deciduous Tree Height: 65-115 feet Produces a 3-4 cm capsule shaped fruit Palmate leaves are green in summer; red, yellow, or purplish in the fall Used in the landscape as a specimen tree for its dramatic fall color.
Liriope muscari Liriope Flowering perennial plant 12-18 inches Long skinny dark green or varigated leaves. Small, showy purple or white flowers Used in the landscape as a border or ground cover.
Magnolia grandiflora Southern Magnolia Evergreen Tree Height can be up to 90 feet Large dark green leaves Large white fragrant flowers Used in the landscape as an ornamental tree.
Malus Flowering Crabapple Deciduous Tree 10-25 feet tall Pink or white flowers Fruit is similar to an apple, but less that 2 inches in diameter Many uses in the landscape: Specimen, screen, patio, wildlife habitat, etc.
Maranta leuconeura var. kerchoviana Prayer Plant Indoor foliage plant Height: 12-18 inches; Width: 12-36 inches Leaves are green and silver varigated Used as an indoor container plant, or in the landscape as a border or ground cover.
Myrica cerifera Wax Myrtle Evergreen: Small tree, or shrub Height: 10-15 feet; Width: 8-10 feet 1.5-3 inch green leaves that have an interesting smell Used in the landscape to provide screens, or as a part of a perennial border.
Nandina domestica Dwarf Nandina (Heavenly Bamboo) Evergreen shrub Height: 7-8 feet 5-10 mm bright red fruit Leaves- Spring: Copper; Summer: Green; Fall: Reddish-purple Used in the landscape because of its interesting foliage. Used in shrub borders, or group plantings.
Nephrolepis exaltata Boston Fern House plant Fronds can be up to 2-3 feet long Fronds are comprised of smaller pinnate leaves Used mainly in hanging baskets or containers
Ophiopogon japonicus Mondo Grass Evergreen perennial plant 6-10 inches high Long dark green grass like leaves Lilac to white flowers in the summer Used in the landscape as a border or groundcover.
Pelargonium X hortorum Geranium Annual plant Height: 12-18 inches; Width: 18-24 inches 3-5 inch heart shaped leaves Showy flowers range in color from orange, white, pink, red, salmon, violet, and bi-colors. Used in hanging baskets, and to add seasonal color to the landscape.
Pelargonium peltatum Ivy Leaf Geranium Perennial Plant Height: 1-2 feet; Width: 1-3 feet Showy flowers that range from red, pink, white or lavender Ivy-like green leaves Used in hanging baskets, or in the landscape as groundcover.
Petunia sp. Petunia Flowering Plant Height: 3-6 inches; Width: 3-4 feet Known for their brilliant flowers; ranging in colors from red, purple, pink, blue, lilac, white, and others. Used in containers, or in the landscape as a groundcover.
Philodendron scandens var. oxycardium Parlor Ivy Evergreen perennial vine 5-12 inch leaves are heart shaped and dark green in color Used indoors because of its tropical nature.
Pinus mugo var. mugo Mugo Pine Evergreen dwarfed tree Height and width 5-20 feet Leaves: 1-2 inch evergreen needles Fruit: 1-2 inch gray cone Used in the landscape as a group planting, or evergreen border.
Pinus strobus Eastern White Pine Evergreen tree Height: 50-80 feet; Width: 30-50 feet Light green; 4 inch long needles. There are 5 needles per fascicle (bundle) Fruit: 6-8 inch brown cones Used in the landscape in large spaces.
Pinus taeda Loblolly Pine Evergreen tree 98-115 feet tall Leaves: Needles (5-9 inches) are in bundles of three, and are often twisted. Fruit: 3-6 inch reddish-brown cones Used in the landscape in large areas
Plectranthus australis Swedish Ivy Vine Stems trail to 3 feet 1-1 ½ inch dark green leaves with scalloped margins Small flowers Used in containers, or as a groundcover in the landscape.
Prunus serrulata ‘Kwanzan’ Japanese Flowering Cherry Deciduous Tree Can reach up to 30 feet tall and wide Leaves: 3-5 inches long, green Flower: Very showy, deep pink flower Used in the landscape as a specimen tree, or as part of a group planting.
Pyrus calleryana ‘Bradford’ Bradford Pear Deciduous Tree 30-40 feet tall 2-3 inch oval shaped leaves with a crenate margin. Summer: Green; Fall: Red, purple, or orange Flowers: Small and white Fruit: ½ inch round fruit Used in the landscape as a specimen, or as a group planting.
Quercus palustris Pin Oak Deciduous tree 75 feet tall and 40 feet wide 3-6 inch long leaves with 5-7 lobes. Summer: Green; Fall: Red or bronze color Fruit: small acorns Used in the landscape as a shade tree, or in a large space
Quercus phellos Willow Oak Deciduous Tree 2-5 inch linear leaves; dark green Fruit: ¼-1/2 inch acorns Used in the landscape for shade, or in large areas.
Rhododendron catawbiense Catawaba Hybrid Rhododendron Evergreen Shrub Height and Width: 6-10 feet Flower: 5-6 inch bunches of purple or lilac flowers Leaves: 3-6 inch large leathery leaves that droop in cold weather. Used in the landscape in a large groupings, or in a hedge row.
Rhododendron kiusianum (obtusum japonicum) Azalea Evergreen Shrub 2-3 feet tall White, red or purple funnel shaped flowers Small, oval, dark green leaves Used in the landscape in group plantings, or as a hedge row. Widely used in our area.
Saintpaulia ionantha African Violet Container plant Height: Under 6 inches Blue-Violet single flower Leaves: Dark green with a serrated edge Used mainly indoors as a container plant in our area.
Salvia splendens Salvia Annual bedding plant Height 8 inches- 3 feet depending on cultivar Spiked, two lipped flowers. Range in color from white, salmon, purple, or red. Used as a container plant, or to add seasonal color to the landscape.
Schefflera arboricola Dwarf Schefflera Evergreen Shrub 10-15 feet tall 4 inch- Palmate Compound leaves Used mainly indoors in large containers
Spathiphyllum cvs. Peace Lily Indoor Container Plant 2-3 feet tall Large, dark green, glossy leaves Large, white cone shaped flowers Used indoors, needs little sunlight
Tagetes erecta African Marigold Annual bedding plant 8-24 inches tall Large, showy round flowers range in color from orange, yellow, to red-brown Used in the landscape to add seasonal color.
Tradescantia zebrina Purple Wandering Jew Annual Vine Forms a dense groundcover 3 inch hairy leaves are striped with purple and green. The underside is an intense violet color Used in hanging baskets, and as a groundcover in the landscape.
Voila X wittrockiana Pansy Perennial plant; often used as an annual 6-8 inches tall 1-2 inch showy flower. Colors range from blue, orange, pink, purple, red, white, or yellow. Used in the landscape as winter annual color. Also suitable as a container plant.