In Summary Progress Update as at April 30, 2014 In Summary
Progress Update In Summary Program Development Disability Tourism underway Networking and Communication Relationships Continued to foster existing relationship with Swiss & Canadian medical teams, Livability UK, Motivation UK, Kadoorie Charitable Foundation, AWON and AIN. New relationships extended to Lloyds TSB (UK) and Sadle Trading (Bhaktapur), Rick Hansen Foundation (Canada), Canada Gives (Canada) and ACE School of Management (Kathmandu). SIRC’s Communication Plan Underway by remote volunteer Rosemary Waters, Communications Specialist with the Government of Alberta, Canada. SCI Awareness Program Excellent use of Social Media during Ram’s Wheelchair Yaatra all fundraisers to great effect. HODs now on LinkedIn – the social media platform for professionals. Staff Script and SIRC Friends campaign launched April 30. School Presentations to commence now the new term has begun. Public Service Video underway with signing of Memo of Understanding.
Progress Update In Summary Networking and Communication cont’d Online Newsletter Tool identified with Rosemary Waters assistance. Prajwal to be trained in May Online Presence increased activity on SIRC facebook and website, promoting events, media coverage, Big Give announcement. Going forward Prajwal is responsible to maintain this important task. Online Donations Underway - E-Sewa, on-line donations from Nepal - Agreement signed, await technical code to be added to SIRC website. Expected completion by end May Underway – Canada Gives, online donations from Canada and US – project proposal submitted and verbal approval given. Expected completion by end June 2014 Complete – Big Gives, online donations from UK & Europe – set up with Livability’s assistance.
Progress Update In Summary Fundraising Poor Patient Care Fund details now defined International Donors and the Poor Patient Care Fund Big Gives – project setup to request funding for 50 financially challenged patients to cover cost of 3 to 4 months of rehabilitation, vocational training, specialized equipment for going home and home modification per patient.. Allows for donor from across Europe to choose various levels of donation from GBP25 to GBP1,200. Canada Gives – project being set up to request funding for 50 financially challenged patients to cover cost of 3 to 4 months of rehabilitation, vocational training, specialized equipment for going home and home modification per patient.. Allows for donor from Canada and US to choose various levels of donation from CAD $40 to CAD $3,400. Note: e-Sewa donation tool for Nepalis is not specifically tied to the Poor Patient Care Fund at this time. Heating for SIRC Basu Babu Tiwari engaged with Irish ‘Green’ Heating Specialist Kevin Fitzgibbon. Esha to monitor progress.
Progress Update In Summary Fundraising cont’d Rotary Grant Application to fund 30 home modifications for SIRC ex-patients now underway. Successful events completed: March 1 International Wheelchair Day April 7th SIRC 12th Anniversary (local awareness & celebration) Ram’s Wheelchair Yaatra Fundraiser & Journey. March 21st, Annual Golf Tournament. March 22nd, Kadoorie visit to SIRC. March 27th, 2014 Dinner and Silent Auction Fundraiser. April 4th, 2014 Events planned for remainder of 2014: Comedy Night with Madan and Hari. May 2014 Reva Car Rally | World Environment Day. June 6th, 2014 VW Car Rally to Dhaka. End November Theatre Night with India artist Nanditas Das. Later 2014 In-kind Donations Basu Babu Tiwari engaged to forecast cost of painting the facility. Esha monitoring.
Progress Update In Summary Human Resource Management Team Building (Karen Hilton) Fun & successful team building session for HODs plus admin team delivered on April 11, Performance Management (Karen Hilton) Scorecard implemented for Esha and Prakash. Template can be cascaded to HODs and subsequently staff. Succession Planning (Karen Hilton) Succession Plan defined for Esha’s role and Prakash’s role. Template can be cascaded to HODs and subsequently staff. MBA Interns (Kate Coffey) Hire three MBA students from the Marketing Program at ACE School of Management for a 3-month internship at SIRC. Establish long-term relationship to allow SIRC benefit from MBA interns on a go forward basis.