OUTLINE Our computer society Sustainable computers - Energy Star -EPEAT (Electronic Products Environmental Asset Tools) Personal Attitude References
OUR COMPUTER SOCIETY In 2014, 89,500,000 computers were sold in the U.S. How much electricity - A Desktop computer : 65 to 250 watts - A Laptop : 15 to 60 watts
SUSTAINABLE COMPUTERS Energy Star Label By The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) EPEAT (Electronic Products Environmental Assessment Tool) rates computers based on more than 50 energy-efficient criteria
SUSTAINABLE COMPUTERS Macbook Pro Met 6.1 requirement from Energy Star for conserving power (battery life) Uses high efficient power supply while reduces wasted power Uses hardware components that allows you the use the most optimal power while the computer is conserving energy
SUSTAINABLE FEATURES Eco Charge Mode (TOSHIBA) keep the battery alive long avoid to use energy for programs you don’t use. Eco Mode: change the screen lightness darker automatically You can check how much you have saved energy SONY use LED lights for screens
PERSONAL ATTITUDE We could reduce greenhouse gas emissions by the equivalent of 2 million cars and save about $2 billion annually on energy costs.(Energy Star)
REFERENCES Computer Sales Statistics How much electricity do computers use? Macbook pro and the environment Top 5 Energy-efficient Computers by Maria Trimarchi energy-efficient-computers.htm