1939 to 1941 Luring the United States


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Presentation transcript:

1939 to 1941 Luring the United States World War II 1939 to 1941 Luring the United States

World War II United States Entry Focus Question To what extent might the United States be responsible for bringing about the attack on Pearl Harbor? Remember, you may argue that the United States holds no responsibility. Be sure to explain and reference specifics in your response.

WWII United States Entry

WWII United States Crawls Toward War Manhattan Project commenced Neutrality Act of 1939 1940 Selective Training and Service Act 1940-41- Increased defense budget three times 1940 Destroyer Deal In 1937 FDR delivers his “Quarantine Speech.”

WWII 1940 election Wendell Wilkie: “If you re-elect him (FDR) you may expect war in April, 1941. FDR: “I have said this before, but I shall say it again and again and again: Your boys are not going to be sent into any foreign wars.”

Franklin Roosevelt won the election by an electoral vote of 449 to 82. WWII 1940 Election Results Franklin Roosevelt won the election by an electoral vote of 449 to 82. The United States entered WWII nine months after Roosevelt was re-elected.

WWII The U.S. Moves Towards War Lend Lease Program Four Freedoms Speech April, 1941 - U.S. occupies Greenland August 1941 - Atlantic Charter September, 1941 - Greer Incident “shoot on sight” From the 1930’s to 1941, Roosevelt moved the U.S. toward war within an isolationist environment.

WWII Germany Invades the Soviet Union In June, 1941, with resistance to the West low, Hitler decided the time was right to strike to the east against the Soviet Union. Stalin used his greatest resource, land, to draw Hitler further into Soviet territory for a winter’s stay.

For Germany, the war now had two fronts.

The Pacific Theater

WWII 1937 - The Japanese Expand Territory in China

The Scenes of heartless brutality, while certainly not indicative of all Japanese during this era of Japanese aggression, are difficult to fathom.

Many of these slides are from the “Rape of Nanking.” The next eight slides will visually document some of the terror experienced by the Chinese at the hands of their Japanese aggressors. Many of these slides are from the “Rape of Nanking.” Because of the slides gruesome nature, you may choose not to view them.

WWII 1940 - 41 Japan in the Pacific With European powers preoccupied or conquered, the Japanese began to gain possessions in the Pacific. Only the United States, who considered itself China’s protectorate, stood in the way.

WWII U.S./Japanese Deteriorating Relations Franklin Roosevelt, demanding the Japanese abandon their aims in China and Southeast Asia, embargoed iron and steel exports to Japan. Infuriating the Japanese, neither country wanted war… for now. July 1941- Japan moved troop into French-Indo China. Roosevelt seized all Japanese money and property in the U.S. and cut off all oil exports to the Japanese.

Without oil, the Japanese war machine would come to a screeching halt. Japan faced two choices: 1. Agree by American Demands. 2. Grab the oil of the Dutch East Indies ... … which would mean war.

Japan and the United States : On the Eve of War Japanese War Minister Hideki Tojo, believing that war with the U.S. was inevitable, argued Japan should strike before the U.S. could mobilize for war. While the U.S. had broken the Japanese code, most agree that the U.S. did not know when or exactly where the Japanese would attack … only that they were likely to do so. Hideki Tojo

WWII Pearl Harbor On December 7, 1941... …at 7:55 AM... …the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor Japanese Plane view of Pearl Harbor …killing more than 2300 American Servicemen and destroying 18 ships, and 150 grounded airplanes,... ...ending the era of American insulation from war.

WWII Roosevelt’s War Message Yesterday, December 7, 1941 - a date which will live in infamy - the United States was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan. The United States was at peace with that Nation... … Last night the Japanese forces attacked Hong Kong … Guam … the Philippine Islands … Wake Island … This morning the Japanese attacked Midway Island... … With confidence in our armed forces - with the unbounded determination of our people - we will gain the inevitable triumph - so help us God.

The United States Entered World War II.

World War II United States Entry Focus Question To what extent might the United States be responsible for bringing about the attack on Pearl Harbor? Remember, you may argue that the United States holds no responsibility. Be sure to explain and reference specifics in your response.