December 1999 Helsinky Summit - Full Participation Path for the community Programmes was opened Framework Agreement - Participation Regulations December 2002 Preparatory Negotiations August 2003 Law of Establishment -State Planning Organization’s Affiliated Inst. April 2004 Mutual Agreement and Full Participation June 2011 Executive Order - The Ministry for EU Affairs’ Affiliated Inst. CRONOLOGY
st Period (Youth Programme) nd Period (Youth in Action Programme) rd Period
Update - 81 Provinces projects young participants € Grant
Who Can Benefit? Young People and NGO’s who work in the field of Youth Youth Workers Youth Leaders Local Administrations Youth Policy Makers
Age Groups Action Youth Exchanges: (Exception 13-25) 1.2 Youth Initiatives: (Exception 15-17) 1.3 Youth Policy Projects: Action 2 EVS: (Exception16-17) Action 3 Same as Action 1 and 4 Action 4 No Age Limit Action
PROGRAMME COUNTRIES (33) EU Member Countries: 27 EFTA Countries: 4 (Norway, Island, Lichtenstein and Switzerland) Candidate Countries: 2 (Turkey and Croatia )
Expanded Geography: Partner Countries Neighboring Countries (Southeastern Europe, Eastern Europe and Caucasia, Mediterreanean Countries)
Being Open to all Young People « The Commission and the participant countries make an extra effort for the full participation of young people who have disadvantages due to social, physical,psychological,economical, geographical or educational aspects.» “Social Inclusion Strategy ” will continue.
Sub Programmes Action 1 – Youth For Europe Action 2 – European Voluntary Service Action 3 – Youth in the World Action 4 – Youth Support Systems Action 5 – Support for European Cooperation in the Youth Field
Action 1 – Youth for Europe - Youth Exchanges - Youth Initiatives - Youth Democracy Projects
ALLIANOI in WATER 9 Eylül University Faculty of Business Alumni Turkey, Turkey, Bulgaria Bulgaria Spain, Spain, Hungary, Hungary, Romania Romania Grant: € Action 1 Project, 9 days, 30 participants from 5 Countries For the purpose of discussing the cultural heritage of Town Allianoi that lies under the Yorthanlı Dam, several cultural activities were planned. Name of the project :
Poster Book for Everyone With this project Book Collecting Campaign was held in Bingöl,which had been affected by the earthquake and approx books were collected and 13 Libraries have been established. Turkey Turkey Grant: € Action 1.2 – Youth Initiatives National Project, 8 Months, 16 Young People Project Leader is explaining the project. Name of the project :
Democracy with Young Steps Action 1.3 – Youth Democracy Projects Name of the project :
Action 2 – European Voluntary Service
Antalya / Türkiye Children and the Young within social life The Rehabilitation of the Disadvantaged and Homeless Kids ANTALYA Youth and Education Association Turkey, Turkey, France France Litvania Litvania Grant: € Action 2 Host Organization Name of the project : Volunteer Karin Petit (France) Volunteer Arnoldas Kubilius (Litvania)
MARGARETEN - 5ERHAUS /GRUNWALDGASSE Youth Centre The volunteer took part in a project related to Child Psychology in Vienna/Austria for 9 months. Child Mental Health and Guidance Association Turkey, Turkey, Austria Austria Grant: € Action 2 Sending Organization Project Preparatory Training Name of the Project : Volunteer Pınar Burcu Güner (Turkey)
Action 3 – YOUTH IN THE WORLD European Cooperation with the Neighboring Countries -Youth Exchanges, -Training and Networking Projects
Neighboring Countries
Job Shadowing Feasibility Visits Evaluation Meetings Study Visits Partner Search Activities Seminars Training Courses Networking Action 4 – YOUTH SUPPORT SYSTEMS ACTION 4.3 –Training and Networking for Youth Workers and Youth Organizations
ÇUKUROVA UNIVERSITY - ADANA Discovering New Partnership Turkey,Germany,Italy, Spain,Poland, England,Estonia,France Grant: € Action 4 – Contact Making Seminar, 4 Days, 8 Countries, 30 Young People This was mainly realized for the purpose of finding partners and at the end of the project one Training Course, one Seminar were held and the partners were found for Action 1.1 Name of the Project
Action 5 –Support for European cooperation in the youth field Meeting for people responsible for Young People and Youth Politics (National and International Youth Seminars)
For National Youth meeting minimum 15;for International Meetings minimum 30 participants(Ages 15-30); Partnership for International Youth Seminars: Minimum 5 Programme Countries Duration :3-6 Days(except for the travelling days) Co-Financing Rule:(EU Youth Programme Grant upto 75% of the suitable expenses.Maximum Euro.) Action 5 –Support for European Cooperation in the Youth Field
Permanent Priorities European Citizenship Participation Cultural Variety Inclusion Yearly Priorities Takes place in the Programme Guide every year.
Application Procedure Programme Guide, ( Electronical Application form vie TURNA System and an Application Form Filling Guide. 3 application periods: 1 February, 1 May, 1 October Applications, –Are done online –One signed copy is sent to our Centre.
Some Sources European Commission Youth Unit: Turkish National Agency: Youth in Action Programme: