Product Development Aru Amikura
Introduction Purpose I think about my future job seriously. Reason Home environment Interest in marketing
Research questions [1].What is the content of product development work? [2].What are the requirements to get a job with product development?
Data collection(1) 8steps at product development work 1. Generating 2. Screening 3. testing the concept 4. business analytics 5. Marketability tests 6. Final check each sections 7. Commercialize 8. Post launch review and perfect pricing
Data collection(2) necessary qualifications 1. business career qualification 2. product planner( 商品プランナー ) qualification 3. product planning( 商品開発士 ) qualification
Data analysis necessary skills presentation skill analyze skill leadership
Answer to the question(1) [1].What is the content of product development work? Answer : The product development include widely work from the presentation to the pricing
Answer to the question(2) [2].What are the requirements to get a job with product development? Answer 1. Business career qualification 2. Product planner( 商品プランナー ) qualification 3. Product planning( 商品開発士 ) qualification
Relationship between English and product development Lawson employment UNIQLO employment English is big selling point in job hunting to most companies
Two-Year plan for future career 3steps 1. Learn basics knowledge and get necessary skills [Method] study hard at university class and study my self 2. Application of my basics knowledge [Method] work hard to the seminar activity and practice my knowledge 3. Test my abilities [Method] graduation thesis and some qualifying examination
Summary product development work is separate 8steps necessary skills are three necessary qualifications are three Make a future career plan
References Innovation Excellence : perfects-new-product-development/ salary for BUSINESS com : Development-Manager The Marketing Donut : research/new-product-research/new-product-development-faqs 人材バンクネット : U-NOTE :