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In PowerPoint 2003 you could apply Design templates to liven up the look of your presentation, what are they now called in 2007? HINT: Found under the Design tab. Design Themes
In Excel 2007, the Insert tab displays a variety of chart types to insert. To insert a chart in Excel 2003, you used the _____ ______. Chart Wizard
In 2003, you could switch between several open files using the Windows menu. What is the command you use to switch between files in 2007? HINT: Found under the View tab. Switch Windows
Autotext was a feature found in Word 2003 that was used to insert reusable parts of content. What is it called in Word 2007? HINT: Found under the Insert tab. Quick Parts Bonus Spin: What is the name of the organizer that Quick Parts is part of?
Excel 2003 allowed you to change the cell reference to a name. What is the name of the command that manages the list of created names in Excel 2007? HINT: Found under the Insert tab. Name Manager
In Office 2003, changes to how your software was set up was made under Tools + Options. Where do you go to make software changes in 2007? The Office Button
In Excel 2003, when you need to change the format of a number, you used the Format + Cells command. In 2007, you can find a format list under which tab? Home Tab Bonus Spin: What is the default format for every cell called?
When you want to view the ruler in Word 2007, which tab do you access? View Tab
When you want to create a custom animation in PowerPoint 2007 which tab do you find the Custom Animation feature? Animations Tab
Which tab do you find the Page Setup Options in Word 2007? Page Layout Tab
Office 2007 does not use the toolbar displays found in What is the new name for the display that appears when you select a tab? Ribbon
What is the name of the only customizable toolbar in 2007? Quick Access Toolbar Bonus Spin: What commands are found on it by default?
When you want to create an organizational chart in 2007, which new feature would you use? Hint: Found under the Insert tab. SmartArt
A new view option was added in Excel 2007 to match the same page view option that Word offers in both 2003 and What is it called? Hint: Found under the View tab. Page Layout View
In PowerPoint 2007, you can now select, hide or (turn off) objects on a particular slide using the _____ pane. Hint: Found under the Home tab. Selection Pane
This feature adjusts the percent size of the screen. Zoom Control Bonus Spin: Where is it located?
This feature displays a variety of style options. Rest your mouse on it and Office 2007 will preview the style with the selected object or text. Gallery
The feature opens a dialog box of options for that group. The Launcher
The mini feature automatically displays close to selected text in a Word, Excel, or PowerPoint file. Mini Toolbar
This new command button adjusts the case of the selected text. Change Case
This feature attaches a comment to a cell, line of text, or slide. Which tab? The Review tab
This new command clears all formats from selected text. Which tab? The Home tab
This group of commands inserts a graphic object into your file. Which tab? The Insert tab
This Excel group of commands provides different ways to view your spreadsheet. Which tab? The View tab
This Shapes Gallery allows you to pick a shape and draw it on a slide. Which tab? The Home tab Bonus Spin: Which Office 2007 Software?
What happens when you double-click on the Office button? Closes the Application
What happens when you double-click on a tab? Hides the Ribbon display Bonus Spin: What is the word Microsoft uses to describe “hide”.
2007 introduced a keyboard shortcut where you can use your keys to activate a tab and/or command. Which key is it? ALT key
Name a quick way to add any command to the Quick Access Toolbar. Right-click and select “Add to Quick Access Toolbar”
When you rest your mouse on a command button and press F1, what happens? Opens the Help file to that topic.