George Henry Road Safety Manager 23 August 2013. A9 Trunk Road The A9 Trunk Road is the main route that connects central Scotland and the Highlands It.


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Presentation transcript:

George Henry Road Safety Manager 23 August 2013

A9 Trunk Road The A9 Trunk Road is the main route that connects central Scotland and the Highlands It stretches from Dunblane, situated north of Stirling, and travels north bypassing Perth and Inverness before finishing in Thurso The route is made up of single and dual carriageways with varying speed limits It carries a broad mix of road users comprising local drivers, commuters, freight transport and tourist traffic

Accident & Casualty Statistics A9 Trunk Road Accidents By Severity & Year YearAccidents FatalSeriousSlightTotal Total A9 Trunk Road Casualties By Severity & Year YearCasualties Killed Seriously Injured Slightly Injured Total Total

Who are the Safety Group The A9 Safety Group was set up by Transport Scotland in July 2012 The multi-agency group is made up of representatives from Transport Scotland Police Scotland Road Safety Scotland The Highland Council Perth and Kinross Council Road Haulage Association (RHA) Freight Transport Association (FTA), Confederation of Passenger Transport (CPT) Stagecoach Safety Camera Partnerships BEAR Scotland

Our Aim “The main aim of the A9 Safety Group is to work together before and during the A9 dualling programme to explore any measures which could be introduced on the route using engineering, enforcement, education and encouragement to positively influence driver behaviour in a way that helps reduce road casualties”

Safety Performance Trunk Road Operating Companies on behalf of the A9SG carried out an evidence base review The review included analysis of accidents, vehicle speeds, traffic flows and existing speed enforcement statistics. The route was split into three sections of similar character Dunblane to Perth Perth to North of Inverness (Tore Roundabout) North of Inverness to Thurso

Dunblane to Perth High severity of accidents at junctions 53% of right turn accidents are KSI’s (Killed or seriously Injured) compared to a north east unit average of 29% Higher number of accidents involving HGV’s above 7.5 tonnes 17% involve HGV’s compared to a north east unit average of 9% High number of single vehicle accidents striking roadside objects

Perth to North of Inverness 77% of all KSI accidents occurred on single carriageways Single carriageway KSI ratio (0.32) is above the trunk road national average (0.24) Higher number of accidents involving HGV’s above 7.5 tonnes HGV’s above 7.5 Tonnes are nearly 3 times more likely to be involved in an injury accident on single carriageways than they are on other Scottish trunk road single carriageways HGV’s involved in 22.8% of all accidents on single carriageway sections Goods vehicles under 7.5 tonnes are involved in 13.6% of accidents on single carriageway sections compared to a north west unit average of 7%

North of Inverness to Thurso High severity of accidents at junctions 43% of accidents occurred at a junction compared to a north west unit average of 26% Turning right manoeuvres is the most common vehicle manoeuvres in accidents 13.5% compared to a north west unit average of 6.1% Failing to look properly, failing to judge other persons speed, careless/reckless and poor turning practices are the most common recorded contributory factors

Engineering Initiatives Over £50 million of improvements already invested Since the formation of the A9SG we have implemented engineering measures including Lining & Road Stud Works Barrier Works The replacement of 60 mph speed limit repeater signs (96) with two way traffic signs Extend journey time information system between Dunblane and Inverness Efficiencies sought around roadworks We are also currently looking into Existing forward and junction visibility splays to be checked to optimise safety through vegetation and landscaping works Signing and Lining to be assessed over entire length Explore further locations for VMS Carry out more accident analysis to establish trends and issues

Enforcement Initiatives Police Scotland Trunk Roads Patrol Group was formed to raise visibility with the public across the trunk road network which includes the A9 Aim to positively influence driver behaviour and enforce legislation with a view to reducing casualties Speed Enforcement by Northern, Tayside and Central Safety Camera Partnerships (SCPs) SCP enforcement through 5 Fixed Safety Cameras Dunblane to Perth (3) Perth to Inverness (2) And widespread mobile enforcement (109 sites) across the entire route SCP’s reported that the level of detected offences remain a concern

Education Initiatives Set up a brand and strapline to promote future initiatives Creation of a dedicated website to be a platform for communication Set up a communications strategy to promote safety campaigns Work has begun on the first A9 Safety Group campaign on overtaking A9SG to carry out further research on driver frustration

Analysis & Research Transport Research Laboratory with SIAS carried out research into the potential impacts of increasing the HGV speed limit on single carriageway sections of the A9 along with the deployment of an average speed camera system. The research indicated that the introduction of effective speed enforcement alone would result in a decrease in accidents. It considered HGV speeds being retained at 40 mph and the increase to 50 mph The A9 Safety Group subsequently agreed that after reviewing the available evidence and research that Average Speed Cameras will have a positive impact on driver behaviour and safety on the A9

Analysis & Research The A9SG understand how important the movement of freight is to the Highlands The over involvement in accidents of Heavy Goods Vehicles greater than 7.5 tonnes raises particular concerns HGV’s above 7.5 Tonnes are nearly 3 times more likely to be involved in an injury accident on single carriageways of the A9 (Perth to Inverness) than they are on other Scottish trunk road single carriageways HGV’s above 7.5 Tonnes are involved in nearly a quarter of all accidents on single carriageways on the A9 (Perth to Inverness) yet only make up typically 7% of the traffic The research indicates Average Speed Cameras (ASCs) will improve safety, regardless of whether the HGV above 7.5 Tonnes speed limit is retained at 40mph (or increased to 50mph) However, it indicates that the operation of cameras at 40mph is the safest option and the group agreed Average Speed Cameras will improve safety on the A9

Average Speed Camera’s Transport Minister announced that average speed cameras were to be installed following advice from the A9SG The A9 system will be the second in Scotland, the first was installed on the A77 in Ayrshire between Bogend Toll and Ardwell Bay in It delivered a 46 per cent reduction in fatal accidents and 35 per cent reduction in serious accidents The system will operate on the A9 from just north of Keir Roundabout (Dunblane) to just south of Raigmore Interchange (Inverness). This is approximately 136 miles (220 km’s) It is expected that the cost of the system will be in the region of £2.5 million. Transport Scotland as the Trunk Road Authority will pay for this initiative The nature of the A9 in terms of its length, geometry, vehicle speeds and accident record (high proportion of KSI accidents which by nature are often a function of speed, and wide distribution of accidents across the route) indicate that an ASCS could positively influence road safety on this route We expect the scheme to pay for itself through accident savings within the first year of its operation.

Next Steps To improve safety ahead of dualling we are Before and after A9 user surveys Carry out further research on driver frustration Continued high visibility enforcement by Police Scotland Public information events to be held in November 2013 First road safety campaign on overtaking Further assessment of potential 50 mph HGV pilot Education around National Speed Limits and Driver Behaviour Implement additional road improvement schemes Install average speed cameras

George Henry Road Safety Manager 23 August 2013