TRLN ERM Seminar Series NCSU Overview Maria Collins Head of Acquisitions & Discovery
Overview Background Guiding ERM Philosophies and Strategies Organization Structure Next Steps…
Background In 2005 – TS staff – approx. 50 people In 2015 – TS staff – 24 people Streamlined/Outsourced services Shelf ready/shelf prep – YBP Auto order and invoice loads Increasing reliance on user driven acquisition programs like DDA
June 2012 – Merger of Content Acquisitions & Licensing and Metadata & Cataloging Serials, Monographs and Data Projects and Partnerships Broad work responsibilities: centralized acquisitions, KB work, cataloging, licensing, authority control, batch record management, ERM, IR, funds and budget Focus on integrated workflows Acquisitions & Discovery Merger
Guiding ERM Philosophy Re-aligning resources and staffing so we can support ERM
Strategies Move away from production Outsourcing Creating time for e-process design and support Understanding the work, gaps and all Package Management for both e-journals and e-books Workflow mapping and review
Philosophy: Un-silo ERM
Strategies Core processes supported by all staff Managing Scale Integration of e and p, distribution of knowledge Ticketing system for support License team concept - supporting communal work
Philosophy: Support for iterative change
Strategies ERL positions – conduits to bring in outside initiatives Environmental scans to evolve system support Intensive unit and department planning; setting priorities Communication strategies: regular meetings, scrums, etc.
Philosophy: Life cycle management
Strategies Defined core work for acq, cat and kb management Cross training of acq and cat Staff are responsible for a larger portion of the life cycle Workflow mapping and review also supports broader understanding
Philosophy: Evolving ERM tools
Strategies Tools that don’t wag the dog Purpose: Manage collections, discovery and workflows Patchwork of tools that we use to support ERM Local develop and support from IT and from DPP Representative committees across the library provide input Commercial systems are often core; local development used when commercial tools do not meet our needs.
Next steps… Upcoming initiatives Ebook management support Ebook reconciliation Continued distribution of work across all staff Developing package management role Coral development to support workflows Completion of grant for GOKb Investigation of linked data and support for ERM