New Zealand Food
Kumara It’s a New Zealand sweet potato and is a famous vegetable in this country. Available in red, yellow or orange the kumara is an excellent source of vitamines.
This is Marmite. New Zealand people like it and you ? Do you prefer that?
The paua The paua is a beautiful shell and is harvested by the New Zealand people. For Maori this shell is a « taonga » (treasure). The paua is also a very good souvenir for tourists. Or a beautiful jewel.
Delicious When the paua is cooked it’s a delicious crustacean
Karengo The Karengo is a seaweed. In the Second World War the Maori soldiers ate this seaweed. Now the New Zealand chefs cook with the karengo.
It’s a hangi, a Maori speciality. In New Zealand, the people put a sheep, vegetables and pig on the grass and cook with this giant underground barbecue. They put meat and vegetables and cover the hole with earth and leaves. After 4 hours of cooking they take a meal and EAT!! The Hangi
Banana Sandwich Banana sandwich is often eaten with bread and peanut butter. It's a New- Zealand and Australian speciality. This sandwich is eaten at all hours of the day and is very excellent.
The Pavlova Anna Pavlova was a famous Russian dancer when she came to New Zealand on a tour, they invented the pavlova. It’s a cake composed of 3 layers: The origin of this cake is mysterious because the Australians claim they invented it. FRUIT CHANTILLY MERINGUE
Mrs 4°4 Loret