NM = I – E What could this mean? (remember PC = BR-DR +/- M?)
Lesson objectives: To be able to explain the push and pull factors within the EU What is the European Union? untries/eu_countries.html untries/eu_countries.html
European Union
Migration within the EU There is a huge amount of migration within the EU. If you look at the pie charts below showing where people come from who immigrate into Britain, more than a quarter comes from other EU countries.
1.What is the highest number on the graph? 2.What is the lowest? 3.When was the greatest net migration? What was the figure? 4.When was the least? Figure?
AST 2013 Migration case study Poland UK Location of Poland Push factorsPull factors PositivesNegatives Groups of people affected by migration Key S = Social E = Economic En = Environmental P = Political LT = Long term ST = Short term Facts Opinions
True or false 1.The greatest number of migrants to EU countries come from Africa 2.Most women migrate to the UK for family 3.Lack of employment is a pull factor 4.Migration is the movement of people from one country to another 5.Environmental migration is a type of forced migration
Homework Read through the Telegraph article on Poles from Write a paragraph to summarise the current migration of Poles to the UK