INFLUENCE OF UNDERGRADUATE COURSE SOFTWARE DESIGN AND ARCHITECTURE TO POSTGRADUATE COURSE ARCHITECTURE, DESIGN AND PATTERNS Magdalena Kostoska Nevena Ackovska Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering (FCSE) UKIM, Skopje, Macedonia 13 th DAAD Workshop on “Software Engineering Education and Reverse Engineering”, Bansko, Bulgaria 26th August – 31th August 2013
Introduction (About courses) Undergraduate course: Software design and architecture Postgraduate course: Architecture, design and patterns Teacher: Nevena Ackovska Teaching Assistant: Magdalena Kostoska Two independent courses, different students enroll this courses – NOT ANY MORE!!!
The course become part of the syllabus in 2008 Our first experience with the course – 2009 Experience & Surveys => Improvements Out intention: To prepare students for ADP Software design and architecture (SDA)
Introduction to software architecture, design and patterns Design patterns Factory, Prototype, Composite, Adapter, Decorator, Observer, Template Method, Strategy and finally MVC Refactoring and refactoring patterns Introduction to refactoring and many refactoring patterns More about SA modularity, cohesion and examples of specific software architecture SDA - Topics
Homework – assignments every week One project (refactoring) Exams (for theory and practice) Challenges & activity Java oriented SDA - Grading
Architecture, design and patterns (ADP) Course syllabus created as part of the TEMPUS Software Engineering studies Lectures – inherited (Thanks to prof. Jurca & prof. Budimac) Our first experience with the course – 2010 The first generation - None studied design and software patterns in Undergraduate studies
Introduction to Software Architecture (SA) Analogy with Classical Architecture The Deliverables of SA Elements of SA Analysis and Evaluation of SA Architecture, processes, and organization Model Driven Architecture Design patterns Frameworks and tools ADP - Topics
Homework – read, write, execute Two projects In the begging: patterns & refactoring Now (depending of the background knowledge): refactoring & metrics No Exam - students prefer projects Challenges & activity Java and C# oriented ADP - Gradings
This year FCSE re-accredited the undergraduate studies, but slightly changed The course Software design and architecture – part of the curricula again, but topics are changed !!! Reason: optimizing the number of courses and their content News
Physical model construction Software decomposition and components Design principles (correctness, robustness, flexibility…) Refactoring Design patterns OO analysis and design Design characteristics and metrics SDA – New Topics
Introduction to Software Architecture Analogy with Classical Architecture The Deliverables of SA Elements of SA Analysis and Evaluation of SA Architecture, processes, and organization Model Driven Architecture Design patterns Frameworks and tools Refactoring Physical model construction OO analysis and design Software decomposition and components Design principles Design patterns Refactoring Design characteristics and metrics Software Construction Analysis
Lots of partial or complete topics overlaps The new SDA course will be activated this year What happens when this students graduate and enroll ADP in master studies??? The first students from this program are expected to graduate in 2 years (2015) Analysis
Strategies to deal with overlaps: Strategy 1: Let the topics overlap, in undergraduate course teach the basics (core), in master course expand the knowledge Strategy 2: Divide the shared topics among these two courses Analysis
Syllabus evolve – adjusting required Compromise with the other professors General goal: give the students the required knowledge Conclusion