…always at the fore! University of Kaiserslautern
2 Centrally located
3 1970: Foundation of the twin Universities of Trier and Kaiserslautern 1st September, 2003: Renaming to Kaiserslautern University of Technology The only technology and science oriented University in Rhineland-Palatinate Germany’s second largest University for distance learning History
4 Attractive variety of courses of studies and disciplines Excellent quality of research and study 1 of the 6 winners in the “Excellence in Higher Education” competition Together with the institutes IESE, ITWM, DKFI and ITA double winners of the world-class research clusters by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research Locational advantages
5 Reputable research centers located directly on campus Locational advantages
6 12 departments with more than 100 study programs ca. 14,200 students 2,070 employees (incl. Profs and research assistants) Land area: 36 ha (ca. 94 acres) Data, figures, facts
7 Architecture Biology Chemistry Civil Engineering Computer Science Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Departments
8 Mathematics Mechanical and Process Engineering Physics Social Sciences Urban and Environmental Planning Economics and School of Management Departments
9 (CM)² – Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling OPTIMAS – Centre for Optics and Material Sciences State Research Centers
10 Advanced Materials Engineering (AME) – Development and use of new materials Ambient Systems (AmSys) – Technologies and Applications State Research Units
11 BioComp – Complex Data Analysis in Life Sciences and Biotechnology Nanostructured Catalysts (NanoKat) - A more efficient use of raw materials State Research Units
12 HiPerCon – High Performance Composite Constructions Center for Commercial Vehicle Technology (ZNT) – Interdisciplinary research and technology transfer State Research Units
13 Cognitive Science Coordination of Value Co-Creation Service Networks (CoVaCo) Wood-Engineering – Center for Wood Architecture and Wood constructational materials Region and City Priority research Fields With High Potential
14 SFB/TRR 49 "Condensed Matter Systems with Variable Many-Body Interactions" (seit 2007) SFB/TRR 88 "Kooperative Effekte in homo- und heterometallischen Komplexen (3MET)" (seit 2011) SFB 926 "Bauteiloberflächen: Morphologie auf der Mikroskala" (seit 2011) Collaborative Research Centres
15 FOR 967 "Functions and mechanisms of ribosomal tunnel exit ligands" (since 2008) FOR 1061 "Dynamic storage functions of plant vacuoles" (since 2008) FOR 1464 "Advanced spintronic materials and transport phenomena" (since 2010) International Research Units (DFG/JST)
16 GRK 1932 "Stochastic Models for Innovations in the Engineering Sciences" (since 2014) Ph.D. program in Information Technology (since 2003) Research Training Groups
17 IRTG 1830 (int. Research Training Group) "Complex Membrane Proteins in Cellular Development and Disease" (since 2012) IRTG 2057 „Physical Modeling for Virtual Manufacturing Systems and Processes“ (since 2014) International Research Training Groups
18 SPP 1337 "Aktive Mikrooptik” (since 2008, cooperation) SPP 1391 "Ultrafast Nanooptics" (since 2009) SPP 1489 "Algorithmic and Experimental Methods in Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory" (since 2010) DFG Priority Programmes
19 SPP 1538 "Spin Caloric Transport (SpinCaT)" (since 2011, cooperation) SPP 1608 „Ultrafast and temporally precise information processing: normal and dysfunctional hearing“ DFG Priority Programmes
20 Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering (IESE) Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics (ITWM) Fraunhofer - Institutes
21 German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) Institute for Surface and Thin Film Analysis (IFOS) Institute for Composite Materials (IVW) Research Institute for Technology and Work (ITA) Institutes
22 Institute for Biotechnology and Drug Research (IBWF) Max-Planck-Institute for Software-Systems (MPI) Science Alliance Kaiserslautern e.V Institutes
23 Foundation Office TU and FH Centre for Distance Learning and Further Education (ZFUW) Day nursery (KiTa) Service facilities
24 Student Union Innovational Management GmbH (IMG) KIT (Information and Technology Transfer Office) Service facilities
25 eTeaching Service Center (eTSC) Nano Structuring Center (NSC) Patent Information Centre (PIZ) Technology Transfer Uni-Shop (VKB e.V.) Service facilities