Mobility Plan Guidance Sarah Cummings Transport for London What is a travel plan?
What is mobility management ? Mobility Management (MM) is a concept to promote sustainable transport and manage the demand for car use by changing travellers’ attitudes and behaviour.
What is a Mobility Plan ? A Mobility Plan is a package of measures and initiatives that aim to reduce the number of car journeys made, by providing people with greater choice. package of measures and initiatives reduce people greater choice
Mobility Plan – different names Mobility Plan – EU Travel Plan – UK Plan de déplacement des enteprises (PDE) – France Mobiluno planas – Lithuania Plan de Mobilitate – Romania
Reduce Is it just cars? –Vote now –NO …it could be a congested bus, tram, train etc. Types of journeys too… School Shopping Leisure Work
What are the “soft” measures ? Contain information and communication, organising services and coordinating activities of different partners. Enhance the effectiveness of "hard" measures within urban transport (e.g., new tram lines, new roads and new bike lanes). In comparison to "hard" measures, “soft” measures do not necessarily require large financial investments and may have a high benefit-cost ratio.
“Soft” measures Walking Maps Walking groups Walking buddies Wet weather assistance Walking route improvements Bus season ticket loans Bus Maps Bus Timetables Mini bus pick ups Bus ticket discounts Cycle loans Pool bikes Secure parking Changing rooms Cycle maps Bicycle user groups Cycle training Mileage schemes Rail/Tram season ticket loans Rail/Tram discounts Rail Tram timetables Car sharing Car pooling Dedicated car pooling parking bays Car park management Visitor management Marketing Home-working Teleconferencing Flexible working Clean fuelled fleet vehicles Fleet management Consolidated deliveries Etc etc etc The list is endless What does the user need? Where is the business? What do they do? How do they operate? When do they operate?
“Soft” packages and initiatives Measures can be packaged by mode –Walking –Cycling –Public Transport –Cars –Fleet You may only need to add or improve one or two measures in each package, or one package You may not be able to do anything But you should aim to deliver greater choice
People Never forget who will be affected Research – What are people doing at the moment Look for the quick wins Don’t chase dreams Sometimes the car is necessary
The Mobility Plan Process There are 7 key stages to producing a mobility plan 1.Gain Commitment at senior level 2.Research 3.Analyse Data 4.Set targets & choose measures 5.Implement 6.Monitor 7.Review
Research and Data Analysis Why do we start with research? –Need to know what is happening now –Where are the problems –Find out what people want –This is the baseline survey What Questions do we ask? –Site Survey Facilities No Employees Local transport –Employee Survey Demographics Where they come from How they Travel Barriers What needs to change Analysis What can we do?
Set Targets & Choose Measures What Targets do we need to set? Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time Framed
Set Targets & Choose Measures What Targets do we need to set Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time Framed SMART
Set Targets & Choose Measures What Targets do we need to set? Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time Framed SMART Defining the measures –Look for quick wins –Establish areas where greatest modal shift can happen –Identify cost/benefit –Can the measures be monitored IMPLEMENTION (Phasing)
Monitor & Review How often should you do a staff survey? –After years 1,3,5 What should we be looking for –changes in behaviour –Questions should be the same as the first survey –Can add some additional questions Why should you review the Mobility Plan? –Identify successes –Build on success –Identify new areas of concern –Alter measures that are not working –Keep the plan Alive
Why should companies adopt a mobility plan? Environment Reducing car dependency Reducing emissions Giving parking space over to urban realm improvements Positive image Reduce Sickness Staff more active through walking and cycling Shown to reduce the number of sick days Increased productivity
Why should companies adopt a mobility plan? Improved Staff Relations Creates a team plan Healthier life = less stress Car pooling/User Groups/Buddies can improve inter- departmental relationships Flexible working can create a better work/life balance Improves Profits Less sick pay More productivity Reduce parking costs Reduce security for parking Better route and delivery planning Reducing mileage payments Can reduce number of company vehicles
Benefits summary For community Reduction in car use Improved infrastructure in a specific area, i.e. business park, etc. Reduction vehicles parked on streets Low cost Engagement with local business community Promotion of “hard” transport measures For business Reduction of demand for workplace parking Solution for business move Improved well-being of employees Increase productivity of staff Better relations with neighbours Positive image For employees Improved access to cycle parking and other facilities (i.e. showers) Reduced travel costs Improved health and fitness Improved social life (e.g. through car share scheme)
Who is leading on this in London?
London European Partnership for Transport (LEPT) Transport for London (TfL) TfL Smarter Travel Unit created A New Way to Work Programme which promotes mobility management at workplaces and assists Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and bigger organisations in development of travel plans. 6 sub-regional partnerships (np. SWELTRAC, Sletrans, Westtrans) London Boroughs LEPT is funded by TfL and EU (mainly though Intelligent Energy Europe). It leads on projects such as COMMERCE, Astute, PIMMS. They directly assist businesses in implementing travel plans and help TfL promote the workplaces offering across the whole capital. They are informed about local activities and assist TfL and SRCs in getting local contacts.
What has TfL been doing? Set up a number of guides –Car share Guide –Fuel and Fleet management –Pool bikes for businesses –Workplace cycle parking –Workplace signs –Local travel plan groups –Workplace travel planning for new development –Residential travel planning in London Set up 2 voluntary schemes –Corporate –Enterprise Created monitoring and evaluation tools –iTrace –ATTrBuTE Providing an Engagement Strategy
Where can I find out more information? COMMERCE – TfL – cetravelplanning/7586.aspxhttp:// cetravelplanning/7586.aspx EPOMM – ACT Travelwise – Workwise –
Thank You Sarah Cummings