Who let the dogs out? Unleash the Learning! What can we learn about Positive Reinforcement from animal trainers.
History Pavlov BF Skinner Bob & Marion Bailey
What is positive reinforcement?
Positive reinforcement - occurs when an event or stimulus is presented as a consequence of a behavior and the behavior increases. Reward - a positive stimulus that can be presented in the process of reinforcing behavior
Why learn about positive Reinforcement? This knowledge can be used: In sports With children in and outside of the classroom In supervisory positions With roommates?
The Big Bang Theory
How positive reinforcement affects learning and motivation. Key Points A reinforcer/reward must be something that the animal/student wants or needs. Timing is critical. The reward must be as closely timed with the behaviour as possible.
Positive Reinforcement in the Organizational World Banking and manufacturing employees and supervisors were observed and data collected At first the employees were not informed of the observation and then later they were informed They noticed two increases in rate of behaviour, when the employees were informed and later when they were given the results Employees at all levels were consulted for suggestions Plan of action implemented An incentive plan was developed with input from staff It was not unusual to see a 50 to 300% increase in productivity
Positive Reinforcement in the real world.
What is one thing you have learned about positive reinforcement from this presentation? Or Give an example of a situation where you think you might be able to use positive reinforcement.
Resources Jaak Panksepp – Neuroscientist – The Seeking System Tag Teach – Teaching with Acoustic Guidance Aubrey Daniels – Aubrey Daniels International Clickertraining.com