Age Range:5 to 7 1) Prepare trays of red, blue and yellow paint. 2) The children can then choose two colours and put a hand in each. 3) They then print each hand and rub their hands together to mix the paint. 4) Next, they can print with the new colour. This activity can be used in a number of situations: When the children are making a painting b b When you want to teach children about how colours can be made by mixing others. StartStart at part one
Objective: Students will have fun making a beautiful butterfly, see the effects of salt and watercolour, and learn about the anatomy of a butterfly all at the same time. Also, the butterfly can be given a name and the student can write a quote from the butterfly. Materials: Paper, Newspaper, Paint shirts, White construction paper, Watercolor paints, Salt, Glue, Butterfly patterns on posterboard or tagboard Procedure: 1.Cover surfaces with newspaper, and children with paint shirts! 2.Photocopy a diagram for each child, or get them to trace the diagram onto their own paper. The teacher should then write on the board what each body part is for. 3.Paint the body parts a solid color. 4.Paint the wings with clear water. 5.Splatter paints on wings by flicking the paint from the brush (a toothbrush works well). 6.Sprinkle salt on the wet paint on the wings. 7.Allow the parts to dry. 8.Glue the pieces together in the correct order. 9.Have children give their butterfly a name and write a quote of something their butterfly might say.
Age Range: 7 to 11 LINE: Children can look at an object and draw its outline. Initially they can only observe object and draw it without looking at the paper. Next, they can try drawing the object only using a single line without any breaks in it. They could also try using different media (charcoal, fine line pens, pencils) TONEChildren can draw an object using black, white and grey pastels (or paint) on coloured paper. COLOUR: Using the 3 primary colours (blue, red and yellow), create a chart showing which colours can be made by mixing the colours. SHAPELook at Dali and see how he has changed the shape of regular objects such as clocks and distorted them, or created another image from the form of another. He also puts obscure objects together in his paintings. PATTERNExperiment with repetition of lines, shapes tones or colours. Printing – on paper, cloth or Tee shirts using string patterns on card as stamps. TEXTURE: Set up a still life with different textures (e.g. soft fur, shiny metallic tins and rough textured bark). Ask the children to find an equivalent for these surfaces with their mark-making.
Age Range: 5 to 11 1) Ask the children to make up a story about anything that they want. 2) Ask them to draw the events of the story in the larger boxes in the sheet provided by you. The smaller boxes are for text, but they should not fill these in at the moment. 3) When the children have finished their drawings, collect in the storyboards, mix them up, and give them back. Now, each child should be looking at a storyboard which is not their own. 4) They should now look carefully at the pictures, and make up some text to go with them. 5) When this is done, the writer and the artist should get together and look at what each other have done. Does the artist agree with the story that the writer has made? Was this what the artist had in mind at the beginning?
Age Range: 5 to 7 1 ) Discuss emotions with the class. What emotions are there? 2) Ask the class what these emotions feel like? Do they feel nice or horrible? What is their favourite emotion? 3) Ask the class to choose one emotion and draw or paint what they think that emotion looks like. Get them to think about what kind of colour that emotion might be. 4) When the children have made their pictures, compare those pictures which portray the same emotion. Do the children's pictures have similarities? 5) Discuss the kinds of colours we associate with emotion (red = anger, green = jealousy, white = peace etc.). Do any of these colours appear in the children's pictures?