Activity Administration Leadership 120
Unit Evaluation For this unit a maximum of 3 individuals will form and event committee and be responsible for planning and running a noon hour intermural event, your event must run for a minimum of 2 noon hours and a maximum of 4 noon hours. Your committee will hand in for evaluation a tournament package which will include: Activity Admin. Project evaluation. Group /20 Individual /15 5/ Event overview with goals outlined 5/ Letter of event request to Mr. Davis 5/ Managers checklist completed in spread sheet format, personnel list with duties attached 5/ Tournament schedule, samples of announcements, posters, signup sheets + 2/ Tournament budget 15/ post event evaluation done by each individual. Post Event evaluation. Each member must write 3 paragraph evaluation; what went well, what did not go so well and what would you do to improve the event next time?
Event Basics 1. Date of tournament or meet 2. Tournament and meet format 3. Awards 4. Budget limitations 5. Rule modifications 6. Officials expenses 7. Game equipment 8. Facility specifications
Managers Check List 1. Select tournament or meet location. 2. Reserve facilities as soon as possible. Consider the following in selecting facilities: a) Dressing rooms – enough available b) Seating – try to forecast the anticipated attendance c) Parking d) Lighting e) Rental Cost (what does cost include?)
Managers Check List 3. Advertise the event to get participants 4. Design schedule. 5. Send schedule to Administration for approval. 6. Contact officials 7. Secure proper game/score sheets for tournament games. 8. List equipment required for tournament or meet. 9. Recruit tournament doctor or St. John Ambulance. 10. Inform participants of schedule
Personnel Recruit tournament volunteer personnel: a) Scorers b) Statisticians c) Ticket sellers d) Game announcers e) Decorations and ceremony personnel f) Timers g) Hosts h) Media personnel i) Tech crew
Possible sub committees Establish Protest Committee made up of at least 1 teacher with knowledge and experience in the sport being played (Example: Tournament Manager, Head Official and neutral knowledgeable teacher) Establish a security committee. Establish Awards committee. Media committee.
Tournament Budget Income a)Entry fees b)Sponsorship income c) Ticket sales d)Gate e)Canteen If you make any profit it must be donated to a predetermined charity.
Tournament format Dependent on; time, number of teams, type of activity, facilities/equipment available, costs and the goal of your event, a format which fits must be chosen. There are many possible formats: Round Robin Single elimination Double elimination Ladder Etc.
Have FUN!