B2BGateway EDI for Interprise Solutions for Interprise Solutions Provided By: Shannon Systems/B2BGateway An Interprise Solutions Partner
Use UP arrow to reverse presentation Corporate Overview Shannon Systems LLC is a Boston, MA USA based software development organization. Shannon Systems LLC is a Boston, MA USA based software development organization. Shannon Systems was founded in April 1999 to provide Data Analysis and EDI services. Shannon Systems was founded in April 1999 to provide Data Analysis and EDI services. B2BGateway was introduced in June 2000, as a simplified and cost effective EDI solution. B2BGateway was introduced in June 2000, as a simplified and cost effective EDI solution. B2BGateway is a very popular EDI solution connecting organizations in: B2BGateway is a very popular EDI solution connecting organizations in: Grocery Industry. Grocery Industry. Retail (soft and hard goods). Retail (soft and hard goods). Automobile, (Manufacturing and parts sales). Automobile, (Manufacturing and parts sales). Plumbing and Heating. Plumbing and Heating. Music sales. Music sales. Labels and packaging. Labels and packaging. And other specialty industries. And other specialty industries. B2BGateway works with large, medium and small organizations B2BGateway works with large, medium and small organizations
Use UP arrow to reverse presentation EDI Sounds Simple… EDI is simply the process of electronically transferring standard business documents. EDI is simply the process of electronically transferring standard business documents. Vendor receives a PO and imports it into their system. Vendor receives a PO and imports it into their system. Invoices and other documents are sent back to the trading partner. Invoices and other documents are sent back to the trading partner. 850 Purchase Order 810 Invoice Interprise User Retailer 850 Purchase Order 810 Invoice
Use UP arrow to reverse presentation …but it can be very complex! Retailer Interprise User AS2 VAN FTP FTPS (SECURE) Scheduler to push/pull data FTP Server Encrypt Software Certificate X-12 Ver Mapping Tools Consultant Fees FTP Server FTP Software Credential X-12 Ver Mapping Tools Consultant Fees Modem phone VAN Software Mailbox Setup Mailbox Fees X-12 Ver Mapping Tools Consultant Fees AS2 Server AS2 Software Encrypt Software Annual Licencing Software Certificate X-12 Ver Mapping Tools Consultant Fees
Use UP arrow to reverse presentation B2BGateway makes it simple Retailer Interprise User AS2 VAN FTP FTPS (SECURE) Scheduler to push/pull data FTP Server Encrypt Software Certificate X-12 Ver Mapping Tools Consultant Fees FTP Server FTP Software Credential X-12 Ver Mapping Tools Consultant Fees Modem phone VAN Software Mailbox Setup Mailbox Fees X-12 Ver Mapping Tools Consultant Fees AS2 Server AS2 Software Encrypt Software Annual Licensing Software Certificate X-12 Ver Mapping Tools Consultant Fees
Use UP arrow to reverse presentation Fully Integrated EDI B2BGateway is available on the desktop Full EDI solution embedded within IS All EDI functionality is available through various tabs
Use UP arrow to reverse presentation Fully Automatic EDI Using the new EDI scheduler, Using the new EDI scheduler, Imports and exports happen automatically, or are scheduled. Imports and exports happen automatically, or are scheduled. Invoices are scheduled to extract every day at 1:00 AM. Sales Orders are imported every day at 5:00 AM. Select this box and all inbound transactions are automatically imported into IS. Orders appear in Interprise
Use UP arrow to reverse presentation Users are notified that documents are waiting. Users are notified that documents are waiting. End user simply presses one button to get Orders. End user simply presses one button to get Orders. You can still do it manually, (If you really want to). Press the Download EDI button. Press “Send…” to import document into Interprise Solutions Import Successfully message is displayed Orders appear in Interprise Solutions
Use UP arrow to reverse presentation What about Shipping Labels? For UCC-128 ship labels, click ASN/Labels tab. For UCC-128 ship labels, click ASN/Labels tab. Click on the ASN/Label Tab. Select the PO Number for the order Label images are created, ready to be printed.
Use UP arrow to reverse presentation B2B supports Fulfillment centers and 3 rd Party Logistics (3PLs) centers. Trading Partner sends a PO out to a VAN. Trading Partner sends a PO out to a VAN. B2B Provides integration between you and your warehouse! B2B Provides integration between you and your warehouse! EDI Purchase Order PO formatted for 3PL PO formatted for import into IS B2BGateway Picks up PO and converts. B2BGateway Picks up PO and converts. B2B sends the PO to your organization and to the 3PL. B2B sends the PO to your organization and to the 3PL. B2B picks up and sends Shipped Quantity info to you. B2B picks up and sends Shipped Quantity info to you. Shipped quantity info Retailer Interprise Fulfillment 3PL
Use UP arrow to reverse presentation Why B2BGateway? 1. C apabilities 2. S upport 3. E xperience 4. P rice
Use UP arrow to reverse presentation Capabilities B2BGateway provides fully automatic imports and exports for Interprise Solutions. B2BGateway provides fully automatic imports and exports for Interprise Solutions. There is no End-User File Maintenance with B2BGateway. There is no End-User File Maintenance with B2BGateway. Seamless integration utilizing the Interprise SDK Seamless integration utilizing the Interprise SDK Seamless integration for Advanced Shipping Notifications, (EDI X ASN documents) Seamless integration for Advanced Shipping Notifications, (EDI X ASN documents) Seamless integration for UCC-128 shipping labels. Seamless integration for UCC-128 shipping labels. Fully integrated Warehouse Support System included in standard package Fully integrated Warehouse Support System included in standard package
Use UP arrow to reverse presentation Support All support is provided by an assigned Support Engineer. All support is provided by an assigned Support Engineer. Support Engineer develops a complete understanding of client's business. Support Engineer develops a complete understanding of client's business. No help desk, No On-line knowledge base…we have real people that will help you 24/7! No help desk, No On-line knowledge base…we have real people that will help you 24/7! Support staff located in North America locations and in Europe. Support staff located in North America locations and in Europe. No end-user file management, everything is automated. No end-user file management, everything is automated. All training (or re-training of new staff) is provided by the support engineer at no charge. All training (or re-training of new staff) is provided by the support engineer at no charge.
Use UP arrow to reverse presentation Experience B2BGateway was the first EDI solution for Interprise. B2BGateway was the first EDI solution for Interprise. B2BGateway supports all X-12 documents and versions. B2BGateway supports all X-12 documents and versions. B2BGateway supports EDIFact and Tradacom transactions. B2BGateway supports EDIFact and Tradacom transactions. B2BGateway supports all XML and Flat File transmissions. B2BGateway supports all XML and Flat File transmissions. All Transmission and Receipt protocols are supported, (VAN, AS2, AS1, FTP, SFTP, HTTP, etc.) All Transmission and Receipt protocols are supported, (VAN, AS2, AS1, FTP, SFTP, HTTP, etc.)
Use UP arrow to reverse presentation Price setup fee (for setup of your organization). £260 ( € 380) setup fee (for setup of your organization). setup fee (for setup of each trading partner). £260 ( € 380) setup fee (for setup of each trading partner). per month basic B2BGateway EDI charge. £50 ( € 75) per month basic B2BGateway EDI charge. per SKU line of transaction. £0.04 (€0.05) per SKU line of transaction. Volume discounting available Volume discounting available No seat licenses and no hidden fees! No seat licenses and no hidden fees!
Use UP arrow to reverse presentation B2BGateway is your EDI Department With B2BGateway, we manage the EDI, so you can manage the business. Get more info at: Get more info at: us at: us at: Phone us at: Phone us at: Thank You.