Maadi British International School Welcome to the Upper School!
The Teaching Team and Subjects Taught n Teachers: n Ben Pocock - Upper School Co-ordinator and English n Jamie Harding – 7JH Form Tutor, Mathematics n Siân Hewitson – Science and Geography n Ian Taylor – 6IT form Tutor and ICT n Bee Cassimer – French and Spanish n Jacqui Garib – 6JG Form Tutor, History and EAL n Howard Garlick – Art/D.T., P.E. And learning Support
The Teaching Team and Subjects Taught n Teachers: n Fiona Razek – P.E. n Steven Williams – Music and Performing Arts n Rehab El Deeb – Arabic n Marwah Sultans - Arabic n Graham McInroy - 8GM Form Tutor n Teaching Assistants: n Samha Loza n Victoria Uzere n Layla Abdullah
English – main areas of learning n National Literacy Strategy n Whole class work n Group and Individual work n Plenary n Speaking and Listening n Reading n Writing n Drama
Mathematics – main areas of learning n We follow the English National Curriculum. n Mental and oral starter. n Whole class work. n Plenary. n Individual and group tasks. n Key areas covered: Problem solving, number and algebra*, Geometry* and measures and Statistics. * These are covered in Year 7 and 8.
Science – main areas of learning n KS2/3 Curriculum. n Completing KS2 and SATs preparation yr 6. n Pearson Exploring Science – How Science Works yr 7&8. n Key vocabulary. n Key Skills and strands of assessment for levelling –Thinking Scientifically. –Understanding the applications and implications of science. – Communicating and collaborating in science. –Using investigative approaches. –Working critically with evidence.
ICT – main areas of learning n Importance of ICT n Curriculum Aims n KS2/KS3 Curriculum 1. Finding Information 2. Developing Ideas 3. Communicating Information n Core Skills 1. Reflecting 2. Analysing 3. Evaluation
Geography – main areas of learning n Key Stage 2 National Curriculum and ISEB Curriculum. n Key Concepts and Processes developed and used when looking at specific ‘Case Studies’ in each unit. n Key vocabulary. n National Curriculum Levels provide focused assessment in Year 7 and 8 during projects work, involving data collection, presentation, analysis and evaluation.
History – main areas of learning n Key Stage 2 National Curriculum and ISEB Curriculum. n Equal focus on facts and skills. n Focused assessment in Year 7 and 8, currently using National Curriculum Levels. n Variety of practical and interactive strategies used as well as more traditional academic study.
Modern Foreign Languages – main areas of learning n Key Stage 3 Curriculum for MFL. n Equal focus on listening, speaking, reading and writing. n National Curriculum Levels currently used. n Year 6 – French and Arabic. n Year 7 and 8 – Option.
Physical Education – main areas of learning n 2 lessons per week – P.E. And Swimming. n Areas covered: Gymnastics, Dance, Invasion Games, Net and Wall games, Striking and fielding games, Athletics. n Interschool sporting competitions.
Music – main areas of learning n English National Curriculum. n Equal focus on listening, performing and composing. n Group, pair and individual work. n Extra-curricular activities. n Instrumental lessons.
Art/D.T. – main areas of learning n All units are based on the National Curriculum for KS2 and KS3. n Artist/Genre research and comparisons. n Sketching skills. n Food technology- food hygiene, kitchen safety and healthy eating. n Designing, making and evaluating of products.
R.E./P.S.H.E. – main areas of learning n R.E. and P.S.H.E. will be taught by the Form Tutors. n A variety of R.E. and P.S.H.E. topics are studied across the Upper School. n R.E.: Children develop a knowledge of major World Religions and Beliefs. n P.S.H.E.: Children develop awareness of culture, community and global perspective. n Mentors
Our timetable… n All students in the Upper School have a personal Timetable. n Important Timetable information: n Year 6IT Swimming: Wednesday n Year 6IT P.E.: Thursday n Year 6JG Swimming: Monday n Year 6JG P.E.: Tuesday n Year 7JH Swimming: Sunday n Year 7JH P.E.: Thursday n Year 8GM Swimming: Monday n Year 8GM P.E.: Tuesday n Timetables are flexible to meet the needs of the children
Routines n Reading – Study Centre and Library available daily before 8.15am and during breaks. n Homework – Given once a week with one week to complete it. n Tutors available to meet students from 8am every day. n Snack, drinks and lunch available from the Upper School Canteen.
Home Learning… n Students keep a record of homework tasks and due dates in their planners. n Homework tasks can also be viewed on Kidblog. n MBIS Home Learning Policy will be reviewed in the second half of Term 1.
How to help your child with home learning n Establish a routine with your child: a set time and place for home learning to be done n Check what tasks have been set and that your child understands what needs to be done n Encourage independence: facilitate not dominate!
Expectations In the Upper School the children will be encouraged to: n Set an example to the rest of the students. n Complete homework tasks and hand them in on time. n Demonstrate a positive attitude towards school and hard work. n Treat each other and the staff with respect.
Reward systems n Upper School Draw. n House system – contributing to team success. n Upper School Pupil of the week.
Looking ahead… n Book Week and International Week. n Residential Trips. n Interschool events. n FOMBIS events. n Upper School Production. n Year 6 SATs and KS3 exams.
The Home School Partnership Lines of communication: n Open Door Policy. n n Appointment. n Parent Consultations in November, March, and June.
F.O.M.B.I.S. n Class Volunteer system n n Halloween Thursday 31 st October
New school website After half term… n Key information about the year group including: curriculum, timetables, how you can help your child at home n Increased use of Kidblog to support home learning
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