Hybrid power systems and renewable energy: Prospects from the IRENA point of view Roland Roesch IRENA Innovation and Technology Centre (IITC)


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Presentation transcript:

Hybrid power systems and renewable energy: Prospects from the IRENA point of view Roland Roesch IRENA Innovation and Technology Centre (IITC) 16. January 2013

Content 2 1.The Challenge 2.Memory components of the hybrid systems 3.Structure of the hybrid systems 4.Combination of hybrid storage options (Example) 5.System Penetration 6.Integration Technology

1.The Challenge 3  No technology (alone) solves the problem!  Combination of the most economical storage technologies, load- and generation management and additional producers / consumers to hybrid city store GoalNeedsObstacles  Permanent spatial-temporal energy balance on the net! Energy Storage Load Management Generation management Network expansion Energy storage.... are (still) very expensive Load Management... difficult potentials Production management.... large losses Network expansion... costs, acceptance problems Sources: Adapted from: Fraunhofer UMSICHT, Hybrid urban energy storage, (May 2012)

2.Memory components of the hybrid systems 4  Additive Generation:  Application: for rare short-term peak  Technology: For example. Emergency diesel generators (hospitals)  Dispatchable Generation:  Application: for frequent short, high peak  Technology: Power-/heat micro-CHP (Virtual Power Plants)  Energy Storage:  Application: daily cyclical balance of load and generation  Technology: For example. decentralized lithium battery or central redox flow battery  Dispatchable Load:  Application: compensate for frequent short, high production peaks  Technology: For example. Power-/heat pumps, hot water tank  Additive Load:  Application: compensate rare production peaks  Technology: For example. District and local Heating with current heat Sources: Adapted from: Fraunhofer UMSICHT, Hybrid urban energy storage, (May 2012)

4.Combination of hybrid storage options 5 Load [kW] CHP = emergency power unit DH = district heating Capacity[h] “Storage” -load  Example:  Emergency diesel CHP  Distributed lithium batteries  Micro-CHP with thermal memory  Central redox flow battery  Heat pump with thermal memory  Distributed lithium batteries  DHW  Current into the district heating network Sources: Adapted from: Fraunhofer UMSICHT, Hybrid urban energy storage, (May 2012)

6.Integration Technology 6

Thank you for your attention !

3.Structure of the hybrid systems 8 Hybrid memory: Sales of storage capacity Central electrical memory e.g. Redox flow battery Decentralized electrical memory e.g. Lithium-Ion Battery Thermal storage e.g. Heat pumps, cogeneration, DHW Additional loads: District and local heating Flex controller Controls the subsystems Sources: Adapted from: Fraunhofer UMSICHT, Hybrid urban energy storage, (May 2012)

5.System Penetration 9 Contribution ClassOperating Characteristics Contribution (%) Peak instantaneousAnnual average Low Diesel(s) run full-time RES power reduces net load on diesel All RES energy goes to primary load No supervisory control system <20 Medium Diesel(s) run full-time At high RES power levels, excess energy must be managed to ensure sufficient Diesel loading Requires relatively simple control system High Diesel(s) may be shut down during high RES availability Auxiliary components required to regulate voltage and frequency Requires sophisticated control system Sources: Adapted from: NERL, Integration of Wind into Diesel Power Systems, (August 2008)