3 3 Planes vary in size and shape but they use similar parts to fly. Cirrus SR20 Piper Seneca Eclipse 500 Aviat Pitts S2CGulfstream Business Jet Cessna Caravan
4 4 Forces of Flight
5 5 Airplanes have wings that generate lift. High-wing Low-wing
6 6 The role of airfoils
7 7 Let’s experiment.
8 8 Right and left … Up and down
9 9 Ailerons on the rear edge of the wings tilt the wings for a turn or “bank.” One moves UP as the other goes DOWN. Left turn Right turn
10 10 Moving the yoke LEFT or RIGHT moves the ailerons on the wings in opposite directions. FLIGHT CONTROLS Turning LeftTurning Right
11 11 The rudder (on the vertical stabilizer) moves the airplane’s nose left or right, helping it turn. Push left rudder pedal and the plane turns left Push right rudder pedal and the plane turns right
12 12 Pulling back on the yoke moves the elevator on the tail UP, moving the airplane nose UP to climb. FLIGHT CONTROLS
13 13 Pushing forward moves the elevator DOWN, moving the nose DOWN to descend. FLIGHT CONTROLS
14 14 Flaps on the wings change the shape of the wing to provide more lift and drag. This allows the airplane to fly more slowly. Unlike ailerlons, flaps move up or down together. Flaps down
15 15 Put it all together… …and the sky is yours.