cc Navy Ships This presentation is about the royal navy Click on the button to find out about different ships in the fleet and the role of an Officer.
cc Contents Main menu Officers - page 1page 1 HMS Monmouth - page 2page 2 HMS talent – page 3page 3 Submarine - page 4page 4 Royal Navy Helicopter - page5page5 Us navy – page 6page 6 Find out more – page 7– page 7
cc Officers Joining the Royal Navy as an officer means you become part of our command team during vital missions. You will also be responsible for the training, development, welfare, morale and ultimately and the lives of your teams. You will have lots under your charge but with the training and you get at Britannia Royal Naval College (BRNC) Dartmouth, you will develop all the skills you need to be an effective leader and team work. Main menu Officers
cc HMS Monmouth Seven ships of the royal navy have been named HMS Monmouth. Monmouth was the name of a castle and is now the name also recognises James scoter". The w. Since that time, all of the HMS Monmouth's have had their names painted in black and the name and the create[clarification needed] are covered because of the shame of the duke of Monmouth's execution. Main menu
cc HMS talent Talent was launched by the princess royal in April 1988 and commissioned in may She was the last submarine to be launched down a slipway. Talent is schedued to be decommissioned in 2021 and will be replaced by one of the new First was the transferred to the as RNLMS zwaardvisch in Talent was launched by the princess royal in April 1988 and commissioned in may She was the last submarine to be launched down a slipway. Talent is schedued to be decommissioned in 2021 and will be replaced by one of the new First was the transferred to the as RNLMS zwaardvisch in Main menu
cc Submarine A submarine is a watercraft capable of independent operation underwater. It differs from a submersible, which has more limited underwater capability. Such as the midget submarine and the wet sub. They are 362 feet long-just longer than the length of a football field-and 33 feet wide. They displace almost 6,900 tons on the surface and 7,200 tons when they are submerged. Main menu
cc ROYAL NAVEY HELICOPTER The fleet air arm (FAA) is the branch of the British royal navy responsible for the operation of naval aircraft. The fleet air arm currently operates the sea king and Westland lynx helicopters and the BAE hawk. Helicopters such as the lynx as been deployed on smaller vessels since 1964, 3.7 height in meters 3,300kg 180 top speed The fleet air arm (FAA) is the branch of the British royal navy responsible for the operation of naval aircraft. The fleet air arm currently operates the sea king and Westland lynx helicopters and the BAE hawk. Helicopters such as the lynx as been deployed on smaller vessels since 1964, 3.7 height in meters 3,300kg 180 top speed Main menu
cc Us navy The names of commissioned ships of the united states navy all start with USS, meaning 'united states ship’, civilian- manned vessels of the U.S. 284 m (931 ft.). This is a fleet of navyships from America. They are just like the ones you play the game battleships with! Main menu
cc Find out more Main menu