Molding Careers to Learn, Earn $, & Live (MCLEL) Innovation of the Year Kelly Christensen, Project Administrator – Associate Dean Rebecca Utter, Project Coordinator
Industrial Technology Quality Control Welding Technology Advanced Manufacturing Design Technology (Machine Tool) Drafting Design Technology Engineering Drafting
$600,000 worth of new equipment including, HAAS VF1, VF2 CNC Mills & Lathes, 5-axis CNC Wire EDM, 4-axis CNC Sinker EDM, & CNC Classroom Simulators were purchased to create Nebraska’s State of the Art Advanced Manufacturing Design Technology Lab.
Created the “Midwest Center for Plastics & Design” on the Hastings Campus 2 Injection Molding Presses were donated to the Advanced Manufacturing Design Technology (AMDT) by a manufacturing business partner
Golf Tees Meat mixer Scraper Noodle bowl
Freebie Spatula
194 high-skilled incumbent workers have received competency based certificates Manufacturing Skills Standards Council (MSSC), Certified Production Technician ▪ Quality Practices & Measurement ▪ Safety ▪ Manufacturing Processes & Production ▪ Maintenance Awareness Welding Qualification/Certification
2,305 individuals have taken Advanced Manufacturing Courses 116 Early College entrants Short-term workshops for incumbent/dislocated workers ▪ 208 workshops, 1,879 participants Distributed 114 Plastic 101 tool box kits to area middle/high schools
Hosted 2 STEM academies for teachers ▪ Distributed $800 VEX Robotic kit to each teacher Hosted yearly VEX Robotic tournaments Partnered with Edgerton Exploit Center to host (4) week-long summer campus utilizing Lego Mindstorm kits
New Program Courses ▪ Certificate in “Plastic Mold Processing” ▪ Diploma & AAS Degree in “Structural Detailing & Design”
Central Community College ▪ Advanced Manufacturing Design Technology Facebook Group Page: ▪ CollegeAMDT CollegeAMDT
Thank you for your time! Rebecca Utter Project Coordinator