1 SCWI Provincial Symposium May 13, 2008 “Destination College: Pathways to the Future” CAMP CHOICE Presented by Pat Tait Manager, Conference Services & Dir. Camp Choice Humber College Institute of Technology & Advanced Learning, Toronto, Ontario
3 What is CAMP CHOICE ? 3-Day Residential Education Camp (Overnight Field Trip) Open to all grade 6, 7 & 8 classes in Ontario Focus on Technology or the Arts Lead by Humber students (camp counsellors) All inclusive (accommodations/meals/workshops/fun)
4 What is CAMP CHOICE ? An Experience!
5 Our Goals To develop relationships between elementary students and college through hands-on experiences within the college setting To introduce college and workplace opportunities to students prior to entering high school (start thinking) To familiarize teachers and parents with opportunities at the college level so they too can guide their children To help students uncover their hidden talents Through SCWI, provide funds to attend this program for financially challenged schools/students
6 Benefits to Students To live the life of a College Student To learn in unique surroundings (labs etc) To sleep in a Student Residence To meet and socialize with new kids To gain first hand knowledge about post- secondary options from older students
7 Benefits to Teachers An opportunity to see what a College has to offer their students Fits Ministry Transitioning requirements A safe environment to bring kids All-inclusive, no extra programming required on their part
8 Benefits to Parents A field trip viewed as “educational” A safe environment Provides an opportunity to sleep in a Student Residence All-inclusive, excellent value They find out what colleges have to offer An experience they can not create themselves
9 SCWI – Phase 11 (07-08) Project A - Approved Funding $87,130 (students, chaperones & bus) 402 students to participate in total 8 School Boards – 50 Students/Board All spaces were claimed for 2008!
10 Our Challenges This Year Getting the Word Out School Boards Principals / Teachers Students / Parents Finding More Funding Opportunities More Requests Than Funds
11 Thank You! Pat Tait Tel: ext Manager, Conference Services & Dir. Camp Choice Humber College Institute of Technology & Advanced Learning, Toronto, Ontario Canada
12 Our Growth (Overview) CAMP CHOICE Piloted the Technology Camp in % growth in added an Artistic Camp at Lakeshore Campus