Benchmarking Learning Without Standardized Tests Jim Luke STEMtech Roundtable Discussion Indianapolis, Oct. 2, 2011
Need Assess learning in course as designed as delivered –Detailed or sub- learning outcomes –Compare students to peers –Compare past performance to present –Evaluate interventions Standardized tests –Outcomes too broad or too many –All or nothing –Not tied to specific course as designed and delivered –Lead to “teaching to test” instead of “testing the teaching” –Questions can’t be fine-tuned
Barriers & Challenges Need: –Detailed outcomes –Questions, outcomes, student answers, and scoring linked & tagged –Detail results at question- by-student level –Longitudinal & cross-peer records –Scramble-able for security Efficient Usage –Paper tests –Avoid double entry Integrate w/ –LMS –Test banks –Grade spreadsheets –Net time savings needed –Low cost –Accessible across institutions & instructors
Concept: Curriculum Intelligence Cloud Tools Paper Test “scanner” –Scan to pdf via copier, upload, tests scored automatically Question/Test Bank –Crowd sourced –Tagged –Trackable Open yet Secure Access Gradebook –Longitudinal & Integrated Outcomes-Questions Tagging Tools By Question Results Database –Multi-dimensional analysis –Graphic & data reporting
Questions Reactions: Need for question level results? Reaction to Concept? Critical challenges/barriers in adoption? Most valuable, highest priority component? Ideas for pilots or partners?
Malartu Inc. Non-Profit Organization –Founded 2011, based on years of planning –Peer-based of, by, & for Teaching Professors Mission –Improve the productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness of professors in higher education by providing tools, technology, and a social network, particularly: Prep Assessment Course and Activities Design NOT student-facing tech, but integrated Two Initial Projects: –Curriculum Intelligence tools –The ProfNet social network
Malartu Inc. Interested? Our Needs: –Partner Orgs & Institutions for Pilots –Sponsors –Professors –Gurus: Social Media Assessment –Technical help Wordpress Web apps & java script PHP, database (SQL & noSQL) Web designers –Grants & grant writing
Malartu Inc. Contact us: – and (coming soon) –Coming soon to facebook –Jim Luke at: on twitter Jim teaches at Lansing Community College, but Malartu Inc. is NOT affiliated with LCC.