Cultural Anthropology Ethnocentrism and Cultural Relativism What is Culture
Questions: How does an outsider (i.e. anthropologist) understand a world completely different from their own? Is there any value to studying different cultures around the world? Should we place personal judgements and standards on other cultures? How does one remain objective when studying other cultures? Are there elements (universals) that exist in all cultures? What makes cultures completely different? Are some cultures better than others?
What is your place in the world? How much of the world do you know?
Do you know Africa?
Africa Statistics
What about the other continents?
Largest Cities of the World - (by metro population) 1. Tokyo, Japan - 32,450,000 2. Seóul, South Korea - 20,550,000 3. Mexico City, Mexico - 20,450,000 4. New York City, USA - 19,750,000 5. Mumbai, India - 19,200,000 6. Jakarta, Indonesia - 18,900,000 7. Sáo Paulo, Brazil - 18,850,000 8. Delhi, India - 18,680,000 9. Õsaka/Kobe, Japan - 17,350,000 10. Shanghai, China - 16,650,000
For anthropologists and other behavioral scientists, culture is the _____________ _________________________________. The term was first used in this way by pioneer English anthropologist Edward B. Tylor in his book, Primitive Culture, published in 1871. Tylor said that culture is “that complex whole which includes ________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ acquired by man as a member of society.” So what is culture?
Cultural Anthropology Is a social science that studies cultures around the world Cultural anthropologists have to remain _____________________________________ _____________________________________ The goal of cultural anthropology is to prevent _________________________ and instead to promote __________________ _______________________________.
ETHNOCENTRISM Ethnocentrism is the belief that one's cultural group is ______________________________________________________. We are ethnocentric when we use our cultural norms to make _______________________________ about other peoples' cultures and customs. Ethnocentrism leads to cultural ________________________ and it often distorts communication between human beings. CAN YOU THINK OF EXAMPLES?
Some very simple examples of ethnocentric thinking. .. .. We often talk about British drivers driving "on the wrong side" of the road. Why not just say "opposite side" or even "left hand side"? We talk about written Hebrew or Arabic as reading "backward." Why not just say "from right to left" or "in the opposite direction from English." We consider certain types of art “naive” or “primitive”
While ethnocentric views are not necessarily intended, they have led to major human disasters throughout history causing _________________________________________________________________….
CULTURAL RELATIVISM Anthropologists promote cultural relativism as an approach to ________________________________________. Cultural relativism is the principle that an individual human's _______________________________ in terms of his or her own culture. Cultural Relativist perspective explains human diversity as a logical outcome of the diverse environments in which humans live. Therefore, when it comes to matters of right or wrong, there is no fixed truth but rather all is relative. What are some examples of ideas that are culturally relative?
FEMALE BEAUTY: is it a cultural universal? Why or Why not?
FOOD? Video clip 18:35 min Ted Talks 2010 Video: Why Not Eat Insects?
SOME AIMS OF CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY: To provide ____________________________into other cultures. To help preserve valuable knowledge, cultural practices and languages around the world To foster ______________________________, understanding and collaboration To emphasize similarities among human cultures and help bridge their differences and misunderstandings
DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: Can you think of examples of universal values that supersede the particularities of cultures? What are the challenges associated with determining international standards for morality within cultural relativism? What are the benefits of cultural relativism? What would you say are the deficiencies or dangers of cultural relativism?
What is Canadian Culture? What do you define as Canadian culture? What symbols are connected with Canadian identity? What is the difference between cultural mosaic and melting pot? Is it cool to be “proud to be Canadian”? What is Canadian Culture?
The Rant Hey. I'm not a lumberjack, or a fur trader. And I don't live in an igloo, or eat blubber, or own a dogsled. And I don't know Jimmy, Sally or Suzy from Canada, although I'm certain they're really, really nice. I have a Prime Minister, not a President. I speak English and French, NOT American. and I pronounce it 'ABOUT', NOT 'A BOOT'. I can proudly sew my country's flag on my backpack. I believe in peace keeping, NOT policing. DIVERSITY, NOT assimilation, AND THAT THE BEAVER IS A TRULY PROUD AND NOBLE ANIMAL. A TOQUE IS A HAT, A CHESTERFIELD IS A COUCH, AND IT IS PRONOUCED 'ZED' NOT 'ZEE', 'ZED'!!! CANADA IS THE SECOND LARGEST LANDMASS! THE FIRST NATION OF HOCKEY! AND THE BEST PART OF NORTH AMERICA! MY NAME IS JOE!! AND I AM CANADIAN!!!!!!!! Thank you. The Rant A Product of Molson Canadian
Why do you believe the rant was so effective as an advertising campaign? Do you believe it became more than just a commercial to sell beer? Why? What does it say about Canadian culture with respect to our southern neighbours? The Rant Cont’d…
Is it cool to be Canadian? Classified – Oh Canada wBL4Qo Is it cool to be Canadian?
Culture Through Football What does football have to do with culture? Consider FIFA’s World Cup Who’s flag will you fly? h?v=GUBpfCHhwbw h?v=WkU4upApu8k Culture Through Football Nike For FIFA World Cup 2010 – South Africa Commercial 3:04 min World Cup Anthem – 2006 1:01 min