1 FI-WARE Business Framework webinar iMinds, Telefónica I+D, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
2 Overview of this webinar 1. Scope of the Business framework task Business modeler GE : iMinds 3. Business calculators GE : iMinds 4. Revenue sharing service GE : Telefónica I+D 5. Store GE : Universidad Politécnica de Madrid 6. Questions and answers: ask questions on twitter using #APPSBUSFRAM. Questions will be answered at the end
3 1. Scope of the Business framework task 3.3 Architecture of Applications and Services Ecosystem and Delivery Framework
4 Task 3.3 : Business Framework DOW p 137: “This task intends to provide a USDL enabled Business framework infrastructure that will support users and providers through business tools in addressing business aspects, such as business models, revenue sharing, and pricing in a flexible way with respect to the different interactions between Users and Applications and Services, and also between Providers and the services offered by FI-WARE that need to be monetized. It includes the functionality of commercialization of application, services and capacities. The business framework is also intended to provide support for generation of combined business models from simpler ones (for example enabling the creation of Composed Business models related to Mashups or composite services).”
5 2. Business modeler GE - iMinds
6 Business Modeler GE Goal: To provide a graphical tool for business experts to create business models and visualize business simulation results Browser-based GUI : html 5, javascript, css 3 Interaction with other GE’s: Business Calculator GE: RSS GE through an adapter: › Find revenue sharing models in the repository › Send revenue sharing business elements for simulation › Visualize simulation results Repository GE: › Save and load business models and business model elements
7 Business modeler GE architecture
8 Edit calculation model Create business model Linking and interaction through repository Model editing interaction diagram 8
9 Open REST interface Get model from repository Actual calculation Results saved to repository Model calculation interaction diagram 9
10 Business Model Editor – interface
11 Business Model Ontology Actor Activity Group Relationships Driver Value Sharing Element label + value
12 STOKAB reference case A customer who subscribes to a 3-play service, which includes Access to AV content Connectivity to the Internet Access to audio visual content with the involvement of content providers Connectivity with the involvement of a network provider, a physical infrastructure provider and housing companies Physical access and connectivity
13 Uses the 3-play service Provides access to content Offer 3-play service €content € 20% Customer Service Provider Content Provider + Leases in-building access Leases in-building access Provides connectivity Leases outside plant access Leases in-building access In-building access Right of way 50% kilometers customers € connectivity Network Provider Physical Infrastructur e Provider Housing company STOKAB case 13
14 Uses the3-play service Provides access to content Offer 3-play service €content € 20% Customer Service Provider Content Provider + STOKAB case (2)
15 Uses the 3-play service IPTV € 3-play Provides access to content 20% Offer 3-play service Offer IPTV service Offer connectivity € content voice connectivity Offer voice service iptv Customer Service Provider Content Provider STOKAB case (3)
16 3. Business calculator GE - iMinds Architecture of Applications and Services Ecosystem and Delivery Framework
17 Offer IPTV service
18 Estimating costs of providing IPTV service Offer IPTV service
19 Estimating costs of providing IPTV service rack1111 shelf1233 RAID Disk …
20 A closer look at the Equipment Modeling Equipment Coupling Modeling Notation a visual format for describing the hierarchical coupling between different types of equipment and between input drivers and the equipment hierarchy With notions of Equipment types and costs Equipment coupling and hierarchy Granularities Installation and reinstallation Batched, first time, min/max Time dependent Constraints in installation Minimum or first batch installation Batched installations Time-dependent installations Maintenance Power consumption Aggregation According to the maximum, average, minimum According to the summation, multiplication Structural modeling elements etc.
21 The drivers are the inputs of the model
22 The equipment is what must be estimated
23 The equipment can have additional properties Granularity Reinstallation Logical granularity Yearly installation
24 Coupling the equipment hierarchically Time-dependent
25 Aggregating the driver flows Summation
26 Intermediate drivers allow better structure Needs restructuring
27 Finally swim-lanes allow for more structure and allocation
28 Equipment Coupling Modeling Notation What is driving the need for additional equipment The equipment that will be installed A model which is used within another model to calculate part of the installations Aggregate the needs (driver flow) according to predefined rules Separate the needs (driver flow) according to predefined rules
29 4. Revenue sharing service (RSS) GE - Telefónica I+D Architecture of Applications and Services Ecosystem and Delivery Framework
30 RSS GE overview The RSS GE receives CDRs and stores them in its DB Containing charging information for all contracted services Refunds are also handled A settlement process is periodically executed The RSS GE calculates revenue shares based on RS models and creates payment files Time stampprovideruser_idapplication_idamounttax_amounttotal_amountamount_desc :53:22 CoNWeTnick:operator Santander City Lights application Single payment: 1.0 EUR
31 Store GE RSS DB RSS GE CDRs Accounting GE SDRs CDRs SaaS provider Location provider Telco Provider Customer Co. Bill (charging) Payment (SaaS App) Payment (Location API) Payment (SMS API) Price models RS models RSS reports Interactions and money flows Repository GE RS models
32 RS models Map a set of parameters to an algorithm Service provider, Application Id, Application Class… Supported algorithms Linear algorithm Linear algorithm with fixed cost Additional algorithms can be defined Such as exponential (volume dependent percentage) appprovider_idperc_revenue_shareproduct_class CoNWeT80 UPM70 conwet80
33 Analytics The RSS GE supports reporting capabilities
34 5. Store GE - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
35 What is the WStore? A key component of the FIWARE Business Framework for monetization, which allows apps and service providers to create and manage app & service offerings Unlike many of the existing solutions in the market, the WStore does not focus exclusively on consumer-centric mobile apps, but on selling enterprise-level apps and cloud services The WStore GEi offers two different interfaces: o A User-centred rich Web UI (“showcase”) o A RESTful API targeted at developers that want to integrate WStore capabilities into their own solutions o It comes with the next release of the FIWARE Platform (late June)
36 What does it offer? Support for the Linked-USDL standard Support for a number of pricing models o Single payments o Subscriptions o Pay-per-use Support for charging o Integrated support for PayPal o Use of other payment gateways through the Mediator GEi Support for billing Support for accounting callbacks Support for settlement and revenue sharing (through the RSS GEi)
37 What is yet to come? WStore functionality to be offered under a SaaS Model: o Multitenancy o High Scalability o High Availability Social features o Rating, Tagging, Comments, Recommendations Support for reporting capabilities and statistical info (BI)
38 Under what license is it Distributed? WStore is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the European Union Public Licence (EUPL) as published by the European Commission, either version 1.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
39 Does it offer off-the-shelf integration with other GEs?
40 How does it looks like? 40
41 What has the WStore to do with my UC Project? Be capable of monetizing your apps and services by creating offerings with complex pricing models, including pay-per-use A means to monetize the use of the different GEis offered in the FIWARE Platform, and share revenues among you and those GEis’ owners Outsource the charging, billing and settlement issues Upload service resources without requiring an application server
42 What has the WStore to do with my UC Project? Accounting
43 What has the WStore to do with my UC Project? Back-end for monetizing a catalogue of resources
44 Online resources Catalogue entry o API Open specification o ware.eu/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fiware/index.php/Store_Open_RESTful _API_Specification ware.eu/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fiware/index.php/Store_Open_RESTful _API_Specification
45 6. Extra information Live demo Architecture of Applications and Services Ecosystem and Delivery Framework
46 Online videos From the FI-WARE live demo: o Part 1: Business framework: o Part 2: Smart City Management Mashup App: o Part 3: Revenue Settlement & Sharing:
47 7. Questions and answers Architecture of Applications and Services Ecosystem and Delivery Framework