Theodore Todorov Pixel mechanics november 8th Inner detector upgrade / IBL Activities on cooling LAPP LAPP team Jacky Ballansat, Patrick Baudin,Pierre-Yves David, Pierre Delebecque, Nicolas Massol,Thibaut Rambure, Theodore Todorov,Tamer Yildizkaya 1.Specifications 2.Current R&D goals and program 3.Fittings R&D 4.Stainless steel cooling loop 5.EB welding and brazing 6.Bending 7.Pipes order 8.Qualification and quality assurance
Theodore Todorov Pixel mechanics november 8th 2010 Cooling services for IBL 2 Inlet connectors Outlet connectors
Theodore Todorov Pixel mechanics november 8th Specifications (mainly for IBL) Functionnal: Maximum leak flow (He) : mbar.l.s bar Presure (bar): Xo (minimise) Radiation level : up to 1000 Mrad Temperature : mean = -35 °C (maxi +40 °C ; mini -60 °C) Pipes inner diameters : 0.8 to 3 mm Pipe material : Titanium grade 2 Pipe thickness : 0.1 to 0.3 mm depending on ID Available space for the fittings : less than 10 mm TestMax design service ultimate service normal CO C3F825?? Specifications
Theodore Todorov Pixel mechanics november 8th 2010 Connector positions for ID Upgrade 4 At end of staves Both SCT and Pixel At PP1 Both SCT and Pixel No manifolding in ID volume Manifold at PP1 Alternative for Pixel: Patch panel with manifold at end of pixel package Small connectors between staves and PPP Larger connectors & pipes between PPP and PP1
Theodore Todorov Pixel mechanics november 8th EB welding tests Bending tests 2 - Current R&D goals and program Ti Pipe/fitting linkageDismountable connexion of 2 pipes Bending of Ti pipes Ti Electron beam welding Custom fitting Industrial fitting STÄUBLI ? Brazing Brazing tests R&D LAPP Fitting tests
Theodore Todorov Pixel mechanics november 8th Until recently, we were focused on development of the Fitting, optimizing the geometry and the properties of the different surfaces. We performed test in order to validate the different designs, focusing on the minimal torque needed to achieve leak tightness. Main developments The last few months we have also worked on the "commissioning" of the fittings for routine use by other labs, for the cooling loop tests (stainless steel) and for the next stave prototypes (Ti). This involved studying the usable torque range, in order to deduce a recommended torque and the tooling. 2 - Current R&D goals and program
Theodore Todorov Pixel mechanics november 8th Base line design 4 combinations 1 MaleTA6V /1 femaleTA6V tested - OK 1 MaleTA6V /1 female Stainless steel tested - OK 3 –Fittings R&D temperature 21 combinations 1 MaleTA6V /1 femaleTA6V tested - OK 6 MaleTA6V /1 female Stainless steel tested – OK 2 tests to find ultimate torque : 8 N.m Many more combinations tested in variations of the design Tightness optimisation Define the optimal parameters (friction on the surfaces and the threads Tooling needed to control the torque
Theodore Todorov Pixel mechanics november 8th Spherical design Toroid design Misalignment influence (5°) 3 –Fittings R&D
Theodore Todorov Pixel mechanics november 8th cold 3 –Fittings R&D –
Theodore Todorov Pixel mechanics november 8th Hydraulic pressure 150 room temp 2.He Leak room temp 3.Cooling from 20°C to -50°C 4.He Leak -50°C 5.Pressure °C 6.He Leak -50°C 7.Heating from -50°C to 20°C General tests cold P T H20He 3 –Fittings R&D –
Theodore Todorov Pixel mechanics november 8th Next steps The base line solution for PP1 is defined Increase the number of tested combinations with the base line design Keep on performing cold tests Thermal cycling (100 cycles) Simple tests with liquid CO2 (bottle) Determine the limits of use for pressure Study the tooling needed to control the torque Study the integration aspects 3 –Fittings R&D – next steps Optimized design will be studied OD reduced to 8mm (maybe 7 mm) Reduction of the amount of material
Theodore Todorov Pixel mechanics november 8th Cooling loop production and tests 3 –Stainless steel cooling loops Goal Cooling loop made of stainless steel will be Nikhef Production Pipes from Nikhef Fitting and bushings Brazing made by Bodycote -> new surface treatment made of graphite Production samples made of same components and brazed at the same time as the cooling lines (QA procedure) Should be delivered on Week 46 Fitting tests Design developed for Ti -> need to be check for stainless steel
Theodore Todorov Pixel mechanics november 8th Stainless steel fitting To be done 3 –Stainless steel cooling loops temperature 13 combinations 1 MaleTA6V /1 femaleTA6V tested - OK 2 tests to find ultimate torque : 8 N.m ->no leak Dismounting/mounting torque 4 N.m –No leak Dismounting/mounting torque 2 N.m –leak flow few Kept under 20 Bar He 2 hours : leak flow -> few to few Kept under 20 Bar He 17 hours : leak flow -> same evolution (He diffusion around the leak detector ?) 20 mounting/dismounting : OK
Theodore Todorov Pixel mechanics november 8th –EB welding and brazing Status 30 samples brazed and 30 EB welded, changing the material and the cleaning Finished Brazed an EB samples were ->OK Cold tests on part of the brazed samples ->OK In progress Finish the cold tests (mostly finished, OK) Perform thermal cycling Metallographic analysis to be
Theodore Todorov Pixel mechanics november 8th Stainless steel cooling loops brazing Temperature : > 1000 °C Material 60%cupper / 40% Gold Issue : capillaries may be filled up ID 0.8 mm ID 2 mm 4 –EB welding and brazing
Theodore Todorov Pixel mechanics november 8th –EB welding and brazing-in situ brasing machine Goal Brazing the pipes during integration Device Vacuum chamber + heater (induction, infra red ?) Experts from Bodycote + …. Limitations Effects on the environment ? Control of the brazing ? !! Brainstorming !! Vacuum chamber Heaters