Delphi eInvoicing System Deployment Information Pipeline & Hazardous Materials Safety Administration June 6, 2012
Agenda 2 System Overview Grant Recipient Responsibilities Registration Process DOT Policies Account Activation Account Deactivation Available Training Resources Process Recommendations Website/Help Desk Information PHMSA Procedures/Policies Q&A
Section Name System Overview & Responsibilities 3
System Overview 4 The Department of Transportation (DOT) has implemented a program to transform and automate the grants payment process. This program will improve online invoice processing activities by enabling submission of invoices electronically via a new system called the Delphi eInvoicing System. The Delphi eInvoicing System is a real-time invoicing tool that improves efficiency and data transparency by reducing the time between invoice submission and payment. It will also give invoice status reporting capabilities. The system will be available for invoice submission and processing from 6:00am ET Monday through 9:00pm ET Saturday. System maintenance will occur between 9:00pm ET Saturday through 6:00am ET Monday.
Grant Recipient Responsibilities 5 Your primary role as a grant recipient is to submit an invoice for payment against one or more grants using the SF270 or SF271 form or perform an online query as to the status of either the remaining grant amount or the invoice request. PHMSA grant recipients are required to use the SF270 form.
Section Name Registration Process & DOT Policies 6
Registration Process 7 Before accessing the Delphi eInvoicing System, you must be an authenticated user. This authentication process is called eAuthentication. *Full details on this process are found on the Delphi eInvoicing System website. Registration Steps: 1.Once a DOT agency has established your grant, PHMSA will submit an access request for you to access the Delphi eInvoicing System. 2.You will receive an invitation to register from the DOT. 3.You will complete the Online Registration form. 4.You will complete and print the Proof of Identity PDF form. 5.You must have the Proof of Identity form validated by a Notary Public and mail the notarized form to the DOT. 6.The DOT will then validate the forms and approve your account, at which point you will receive separate s with your user name and password.
DOT Invitation Policy 8 According to DOT policy, invitations to use the Delphi eInvoicing System are requested by DOT agencies and sent to requested users. The invitation is intended only for the user receiving the invitation and should not be forward to others, as forwarding the invitation is considered a security violation. If an invitation has been sent to the wrong user or additional users need to request access, you should contact PHMSA. PHMSA will then submit an Access Request form for the additional users.
DOT Waiver Policy 9 According to DOT policy, a waiver/exception may be granted to exempt registration and exempt use of the electronic grant payment system on a case by case basis. You may apply for an exemption or waiver by submitting a written waiver request to DOT Office Financial Management. This request must contain the following information: 1. Name, address, grant institution or entity name, phone number and address. 2. Specific reasons as to why you are unable to use or access the internet to register and enter payment requests using the Delphi eInvoicing System. More information about the waiver process is provided on the Delphi eInvoicing System website.
Section NameAccount Activation/Deactivation 10
Account Activation 11 Passwords: Activate your Delphi eInvoicing system account within 90 days of receiving credentials to prevent account expiration. *Information about password length and characters is provided on the Delphi eInvoicing website. Password Reset: If your password needs to be reset, contact the Customer Service Center (CSC) Help Desk.
Account Deactivation 12 Account deactivation occurs for several reasons. The most common reasons for deactivation are: You have not logged on for a set period of time Your Agency requests that your account be deactivated If your account has been deactivated due to a period of inactivity and needs to be reactivated, contact the Customer Service Center (CSC) Help Desk. If PHMSA has requested that your account be deactivated, contact PHMSA to request reactivation from the CSC Help Desk. NOTE: If you have a grant with multiple Agencies and your account for a particular Agency has not been deactivated, your account will remain active for that Agency.
Section Name Available Training Resources 13
Grant Recipient Web-Based Training 14 What it is: One-hour online training course, including simulations, knowledge checks, and practice exercises How to access: Launches directly from the Delphi eInvoicing System website Allows you to review the following: –Overview of the eInvoicing system –Account activation and deactivation –Search and navigation features within the system, including reviewing notifications and searching for invoices –Standard invoice creation –Credit memo creation –Glossary of terms and concepts
Grant Recipient Desktop User Manual 15 What it is: Detailed, printable user manual used to complement the Grant Recipient Web-Based Training How to access: Accessed on the training materials section of the Delphi eInvoicing System website Provides detailed information, steps, and graphics depicting the following: –Overview of the eInvoicing system –Account activation and deactivation –Searching and navigating within the system, including reviewing notifications and searching for invoices –Standard invoice creation –Credit memo creation –Glossary of terms and concepts
Grant Recipient Quick Reference Guides 16 What it is: High-level, printable, one-page documents outlining common tasks that you will perform: –Creating a Standard Invoice –Creating a Credit Memo –Searching All Invoices –Searching Saved and Unsubmitted or Rejected Invoices How to access: Accessed on the training materials section of the Delphi eInvoicing System website Provides: High-level steps for performing the tasks shown above
Grant Recipient Agency Process Recommendations 17 What it is: Individual documents outlining recommendations made by PHMSA regarding its specific requirements for the way you should use Delphi eInvoicing System functionality –Example: What type of backup documentation does PHMSA require you to attach to an invoice? How to access: Accessed on the training materials section of the Delphi eInvoicing System website Provides information regarding: –Invoice Number and Description field population –Attachment description, format, type, and naming convention –Period of Performance –SF270/271 form submission –SF270/271 form population –Credit memo offset –Credit memo naming convention and backup documentation
Grant Recipient FAQs 18 What it is: Frequently asked questions regarding DOT grants payment policies and processes, Delphi eInvoicing System deployment and navigation, and communications and training How to access: On the FAQs page of the Delphi eInvoicing System website. Includes such topics as: –What is the Delphi eInvoicing System? –Who is required to use the eInvoicing system? –What are the benefits of using the system? –What is the eAuthentication process?
Grant Recipient eAuthentication Tutorial 19 What it is: Pictorial presentation outlining the steps you must take to become authenticated and activate your Delphi eInvoicing System account How to access: Accessed on the training materials section of the Delphi eInvoicing System website Details the six steps required to gain access to the eInvoicing system: 1.Agency establishes grant and submits your access request 2.Receive invitation to register 3.Complete Online Registration form 4.Print Proof of Identity PDF form 5.Have Proof of Identity PDF for notarized and mailed to ESC 6.ESC validates forms and approves user account; you receive separate s with user name and password
Section NameProcess Recommendations 20
Process Recommendations 21 Invoices: The invoice number should be comprised of four (4) parts; grant recipient's acronym, fiscal year grant awarded (e.g., is FY 11 for HMEP grantees and FY 12 for HMIT and SPSTG grantees), an incremental number* (starting from 01), and “PR” or “CM” abbreviations added after the incremental number. PR is used for requesting an Advance or Reimbursement Payment Request. CM is used for a Credit Memo. Examples for Calisota (CS) for HMEP grantees: CS-11-01PR (1 st Calisota’s Reimbursement Request Invoice in FY12 is FY11) CS-11-02CM (Calisota’s Credit Memo in FY12 is FY 11) CS-11-03PR (2 nd Calisota’s Reimbursement Request Invoice in FY12 is FY 11) *The incremental number within the invoice number is reflective of the Delphi eInvoicing system’s transaction. It is not reflective of the number of SF270’s requests for reimbursement because these requests were initially processed in the Portal. During , this number will align with the new system’s transaction number.
Process Recommendations 22 Invoice Attachments: In the Invoice Description field, please identify if the invoice request is either for Training, Planning or both. Include the Planning Federal share and Training Federal share amounts requested. Training Federal Share: $20,000 Planning Federal Share: $30,000 Total Federal Share: $50,000 CS-12-01PR
Process Recommendations 23 Invoice Attachments: Please include supporting documentation as attachments to substantiate your invoice request. Period of Performance: Period of performance cannot begin earlier than the start of the Grant Period of Performance indicated on the NGA. Period of performance End Date should reflect the completion date of the activity being invoiced.
Process Recommendations 24 Remit to SF270: Please refer to OMB instructions for completion of the SF-270 form. Credit Memos: A Credit Memo is submitted by a grant recipient as a type of invoice to reconcile an account for overpayment. Upon submitting a credit memo, you have 29 days to offset the credit memo with another invoice. Please note the original Invoice number in the Invoice Description field and attach a copy of the original invoice to the credit memo.
Section NameWebsite/Help Desk Information 25
Website/Help Desk Information Delphi eInvoicing Website: The Delphi eInvoicing website provides a central platform for accessing web-based training and project information for the DOT grants community. The website provides a general introduction of the project, points of contact and links to web-based training. Supplemental training and communication materials are also available on this site. Link: Customer Service Center Help Desk: The Customer Service Center (CSC) Help Desk provides support for both external and internal system users. It is staffed 6am-9pm Eastern Standard Time and will provide services such as password resets. The CSC Production Helpdesk can be reached at , Option 4, Option 3 or Toll Free: , Option 4, Option 3. 26
Q&A 27