Correct Exposure Image looks the way you want it to Not always the way the scene actually appears in real life Over Exposure Image is too bright Under Exposure Image is too dark
Light Film Speed (ISO) Aperture Shutter Speed
Photography – writing with light Understanding how to work with light is one of the most important areas of photography to learn in order to create great looking images
Available light (or ambient light) sunlight or other available sources at the location Artificial light flashes, strobes, lamps organized by the photographer
Frontlight Light in front of the subject (behind the camera) Sidelight Light comes from the side of the subject Toplight Ex: noon light, directly over head Backlight Light directly behind the subject
Hard Light Sun light or other direct light source Soft Light Diffused or filtered light – ex: cloudy day, in the shade or away from direct light Man made diffusers can also be used to block the light
Time of day Season of the year
Film Speed (ISO) Shutter Speed Aperture Photographer’s creative tools to control exposure:
Sensitivity to light of the light capturing device Commonly measured using ISO number 25, 50, 64, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600 each is twice as sensitive to light as the previous
Speed of film determines its sensitivity to light Slow speed (25, 50, 64 not availalble with all cameras) less sensitive to light good for daylight requires longer exposure times/larger apertures Medium Speed (100, 200) good for daylight Fast speed (400, 800, 1600) more sensitive to light good for cloudy days, night, indoors/low light can use shorter exposure times/smaller apertures
Adjustable hole in the lens that opens to various sizes to allow light in Hole in the lens is set to f/stops f stop is the diameter of the aperture expressed as a ratio of the focal length f/4 is one-fourth of the focal length ex: f/4 for a 100 mm lens, 100/4 = 25 each stop is ½ of the previous each stop lets in ½ as much light as the previous
Device in camera that opens and closes at various speeds to let light in for a certain length of time Shutter speeds are seconds or fraction of second 2, 1, ½, ¼, 1/ 8, 1/15, 1/30, 1/60, 1/125, 1/250, 1/500, 1/1000 Each speed is basically twice as fast as the previous and lets in half as much light as the previous
Program Mode (P) Select the ISO, camera sets the aperture and shutter speed Aperture Priority Mode (A or Av) Select the ISO and aperture, camera sets the shutter speed Shutter Priority Mode (S or Tv) Select the ISO and shutter speed, camera sets the aperture Manual Mode (M) Select the ISO, aperture and shutter speed