Current Event Assignment What new things are happening in the scientific world?
Why are we doing this? O To gain knowledge of recent scientific events throughout the world. O To practice reading informational writing O To practice oral communication skills O To practice written summarization and evaluating informational writing
What is required? O Find ONE current event article, within 6 months, from a legitimate scientific source. O Fill out the current event sheet: O Summary of article O Personal opinion of article O Attach copy of article O Present your article to the class. You may NOT just read your paper.
Suggestions for Success O Article must be about science, not science fiction. O Bio preferred but physics and earth are okay O Do not choose a short article (a few paragraphs) or a internet blog or a weather report printout. O Know your article! Speak loudly and clearly. Look at audience when you speak. O Be prepared to take class questions. O Practice at home. 2-3 minutes max.
Current Event Due Dates O Period 3: O Primer to Zehra will go on Monday O Lane to Pearson will go on Tuesday O Anders to Kubo will go on Wednesday O Period 4: O Mabry to Zarinbal will go on Monday O Gramling to Kim will go on Tuesday O Akbari to Gorkovenko will go on Wednesday
FAQ Q: What if I am absent or will be absent on the day I am supposed to present? O Find someone on another day to switch with. O You will present the day you return to class. Q: How much is this assignment worth? O 20 points Q: Can I choose an article from the internet? O Yes, just make sure it is a reliable scientific source.
Websites to visit: O O O O O O O O